Oct 29, 2008

Yeah Me!

I won! I won! I won! LOL

I was cruising around 2Peas yesterday and found a thread about a little contest to leave peanut praise for others work. So I entered the contest and I won! How freaking cool is that? I'm super excited to get my box of HALLOWEEN goodies! {tee-hee} I feel for my mailperson though. I fear they think I'm a stalker, lol.

So 2Peas challenge today was to share a Halloween memory from my childhood. And I've sat here and thought and thought about those nights from not so long ago. I can't think of a funny story or a witty event at all. All I can remember is going to my stepdad's parents house because they lived in a neighborhood, as opposed to our house in the country. We'd all meet up, aunts, uncles, cousins...and we hit the streets. I guess one funny thing is that when I say aunts and uncles, notice there were no "step" involved. My mom's husbands brother was married to my mom's sister. Chew on that for a moment and ponder why I have a hard time remembering my childhood. Yeah.

Anyway, I have better memories of my kids' Halloweens, such as my daughter peeing on a neighbors Halloween display because he had a toilet in the yard. Or losing my son while trick or treating when he was almost two, 'cause I thought dad had him, dad thought I had him...you know the drill. My most recent is my son freaking out at the schools haunted house, and him screaming so loud one of the teachers running it tore down one of the walls to get to us, lol. I almost peed my pants!

I have a somewhat busy day today. I have to make candies and cookies for the classes tomorrow. We only have a half day tomorrow and no school on Halloween. (OK - technically Nevada Day, but do you think we care? ) And I have scouts tonight. I need to finish getting ready for that.

My final thought for today is that I cannot stand these new commercials for Burger King and their 'shroom and swiss burger. Those two guys are creeping me out. Seriously. I shudder when the damn commerical comes on. My boyfriend thinks the burger looks good, but I couldn't even bring myself to order one for fear those icky people would come out to serenade me. I think that would be my final straw. I'd be on the 11 o'clock news for murdering them with a plastic spork or something.

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Lily on October 30, 2008 at 2:12 PM said...

congrats on the win! I love your blog. Did you design it?

Cassandra on October 30, 2008 at 2:19 PM said...

Thank you! :) I borrowed this design from Aqua Poppy Designs.(there's a link on my blog) I wish I was that talented. I can't even get words on my pictures, lol.

Theresa on October 30, 2008 at 7:15 PM said...

Congrats! That's really cool. Hope you get a lot of goodies.

Tracy Ross on October 31, 2008 at 12:04 PM said...

Great blog! I so agree with you about the Happening! It wasn't horrible, but it wasn't something that I would buy. It was really one of those movies that you think now why did M.N.S. do this? But hey some people might love it...I'm not one of those people!

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