Apr 29, 2008

The plane has landed and chaos has commenced....

My Dad has been in town for a few hours and has been captive of my brother and his drama. He goes to meet my brother and very first thing, my brother has to go to his probation officers. Um, yeah, my brother was convicted of felonies last week, and is now on probation. So, my dad waits in this office for 2.5 hours, and calls me to ask if I can go get my brothers baby so his girlfriend can get to work. Well, it turns out that the probation officer took my brother out the back door of his office in handcuffs and took him to his apartment to look for probation violations. (They didn't tell my dad BTW, who just sat in the probation office waiting) Anyway, they got my brother for 4 violations and ended up arresting my brothers girlfriend for outstanding warrants. Yep. They let my brother off with a warning because it was his first day of probation. My dad ended up bailing the girlfriend out of jail. Now my mom wants me to take the baby away from them because she's out of town and she's worried about CPS getting involved again. And my dad can't believe this is happening. All I could say was welcome to our lives, this is a weekly occurance.

Apr 25, 2008

I have never been so happy to give 30 days notice....

Remind me to never ever ever again move into a ground floor apartment. My god. It is just my luck to be blessed with not one, but two sets of upstairs neighbors in a row to have absolutely no respect for the people around them. Seriously. They must just be STUPID. Do you not think that letting your unruly children run amok all hours of the day and night might just be the wrong choice. And the surround sound system probably shouldn't be on so loud your neighbors know what movie you're watching. You freaking live UPSTAIRS. This is the second set of people they've had in this apartment that just don't give a flip. And as an added bonus, they either work graveyards or they're night owls. Hell the first night they lived here, we had to call the freaking cops because of the surround sound. I called security patrol almost 45 mins ago, and they haven't shown up. Can you tell this irrates the hell out of me? I hate disrespectful people.
FYI- the security people showed up while I was typing this and these assholes actually had the nerve to say that they were sick of this(i.e. security/police coming to their door) and that the people downstairs played their music all the time and were constantly yelling. Oh really? Guess that's why we all have so many complaints filed against us, huh? Or maybe if you're sick of having your door knocked on quit doing what it is you're doing.Hell, they've only lived here a month, yet this happens all the time? I've only called twice which leads me to believe others are calling as well. Awesome! I'll poll the neighbors tomorrow. hehe......

My work ticked me off again this afternoon. They've been all about how we aren't allowed any overtime to get our jobs done. Fine. And this directive was given to us all through today. Then at 5:00, the end of my 8 hours, and after I busted my ass to get my work done, they have the nerve to tell me that I needed to stay. It's not fair to the other people who haven't gotten their work done yet. Um, no, it's not fair to me, who has been working extra hard to make sure my work was done per the no OT directive. Plus, I don't even know how to the jobs the others do. Sure I can do bits and pieces, but not what they do. And when I ask them what I can do to help, they say nothing. And my supervisor says something along the lines that I should always plan for friday close to be OT and to be here until whenever. Okay, when the company starts paying my sitters OT rate, I'll consider that. Oh wait, the company is firing my ass, so no, I won't. 40 hours of my time is all you'll get, if that. Needless to say, I was walking out by 5:15. It's just not my problem anymore.

Okay, so the house we're renting is super close to my BigBlueFan's work. It's 3bd, 2.5 bath, with an office. Yeah! And it has a yard! Sweet! The kiddos can be banished to the yard all summer. The kids are not that excited since school starts in July, but that's $$ that I'll save not having to do a summer program for them. Anyway, the office is where I can set up shop and maybe get my side business going. And I can hide the mess from the rest of the world, lol. I have the urge to buy throw pillows and wall sconces and other decor, to make this house a home. Please help me curb that urge. I really need to focus on making the kids organize their stuff, and keeping their rooms picked up. That's one of our biggest battles at the moment. hmmmm.....

My dad is coming to town next week, and I have to clean my house and make it presentable. What a fun weekend. Don't forget to add that I have to take the cat to the vet, go to the post office to pick up a package, and get Lizzie to baseball, and I'm up to my ears in busy. Guess I should be getting to bed so I can get up and function tomorrow. *sigh*

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