Feb 24, 2009

I am so frustrated with the system that is supposed to "help" during tough times.

I've been keeping it to myself, but my final straw has been snapped. I lost my job last year, and thus my health insurance. My ex-husband hasn't worked since April of last year and his insurance was finally termed at the end of Sept. 08. I have spent that entire time working my way through the redtape to get some assistance with healthcare for the kids. Today, I got the final denial letter. I just bought a private plan so the kids can have insurance. I thought these programs were in place to help the people that needed them. Guess not. My unemployment amount raises our income above the need level for regular medicaid and because I share my rent expense, the other program feels justified in trying to obtain my roommates income documentation, despite the fact that he has no financial obligation to support my kids or pay their healthcare costs. Pretty freaking cool if you ask me.

Now I get to pony up $200 per month for insurance. Luckily, I'm smart enough to plan ahead and have about 5 months in premiums in savings, I just would have prefered that the system work as it was intended obviously. Perhaps that makes me part of the problem. But if the kids of two unemployed parents don't qualify for assistance, there is seriously something wrong. Especially when I fall well below the poverty level despite my unemployment and meger child support. Wonder if my insurance payments make me qualify for food stamps now. Not that I want them. But wouldn't that be ironic? I guess I'm back to my stubborn "I'll do it myself" attitude. But I sure am sick of playing by the rules and getting screwed everytime I try to make the rules work for me.

And before anybody says it, yes I am complaining about state medicaid programs. And yes, I did in fact just buy a new washer and dryer set. (Can you tell this has already been thrown in my face?) However, the cost of the new washer/dryer set is between $500-800 less than what I would have spent this year alone on lugging it all to the laundromat. I make my investments very carefully and with a lot of thought, despite what others may think.

Alright, I've gotta get off here and go adjust my budget worksheets with this new expense. Overplanning has its perks I guess.

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Feb 23, 2009

Thought I'd change it up a bit.

I changed the blog background because I'm bored. Today was my first day of re-unemployment. I dropped my hunny off at the airport and then went on a major grocery shopping trip. Smith's, Costco, and Walmart. I bought a lot of food, in the hopes that I won't be lazy and make trips to Burger King constantly while the big guy is away, lol. I am really going to try to plan a menu and stick to it. I bought a good mix of easy fix stuff and sit down family dinners. Maybe I'll start posting my weekly menu ideas so that I'll stick to it. What the heck, let's start with tomorrow. Tomorrow, I think I'll put a pot roast in the crockpot and make some roasted potatos and brocolli. Yummy. Now I want some.

So tonight and tomorrow morning I will be in my scraproom, hopefully making some sense of the mess. And I have lots of reading to catch up on. Which reminds me, I've been reading New Moon and I gotta say "blah". It's not doing a whole lot for me. I'm almost to chapter 13, so I hope it picks up soon.

Alrighty, I am going to go try out MSP (magic shave powder). I'm hoping that it doesn't do any burn damage to the garden, lol. But I have 10 days of recovery time. :) I'll let you know how it goes.


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Feb 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

No really, it's a very Happy Valentines Day for me! My hunny has been out of town since December. He's been home, but only for a day or two at a time once every 1o -14 days. This most recent trip had him out of town until the 16th. So, I went about my business as usual today. I got home and I had a wonderful gift waiting for me. MY HUNNY!!!! He came home early, just to be here tonight. How romantic is that? I had no clue, although he'd been dropping hints since Thursday.

Of course there is a bad part to this, lol. The house looks like 3 tornados went through it. I thought I had tomorrow to worry about cleaning. Damn.

But, I get to spend tonight with my hunny sleeping next to me and that is what Valentine's Day is all about. :)

Oh and let me just say that I love my new washer & dryer set. I'm doing laundry like a mad person. I'm just not getting it all put away, lol.

Alright, I'm gonna go take a bubble bath and start New Moon. Everyone have a great weekend!

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Feb 2, 2009

I'm in LOVE!!!

With a vacuum no less. :) The old POS that I had finally kicked the bucket last night so I went on the prowl for a new vacuum. I found a Bissell Pet Hair Eraser and brought it home. I put it together in under 10 minutes and started sucking dirt, lol. It was amazing the crud that came up. Disgusting, but amazing. I thought my floors were relatively clean, but I guess I thought wrong. This is gross, but I thought I'd show what it pulled up out of my hallway, which is 3.5 wide by about 10 feet long or so......

Yes I know, GROSS! Right? I've been walking around on that. Barefoot. EWWW!!! After one pass with this vacuum my carpet felt fluffier. I totally plan on spending the weekend moving furniture and vacuuming the whole house. Twice.

Oh and I'll tell you if I am in love with my new washer/dryer set. After last nights attempt at drying a load of clothes for 4 freaking hours, I decided it was time for a brand spankin' new set. Best Buy will be delivering them Friday.

How bad is it that I'm all excited about domestic deeds? LOL Oh well, it'll wear off soon.

School started back up. I'm taking 4 classes again. Anthropology 101, Core Humanities 201, Music Appreciation, and MacroEconomics. Wish me luck.

Alrighty, I'm going to go read until MEDIUM comes on, then I'm going to watch that in my nice warm bed. :) I'll be back soon!

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