Oct 31, 2008

My cool stuff from 2Peas....I'm so excited!!

I got the bestest surprise in the mailbox today! It was a priority box stuffed full of the cool Halloween line from Little Yellow Bicycle "Frightful"

This is what came out of the box:

Here are some of the stickers, chipboard, the haunted house chipboard book, ribbon, bling, glitter stickers, flocked stickers, flocked chipboard, rub-0ns and a set of stamps!:

Here are the front and back of the papers that were in the box and the diecut papers that were included:

This is totally super cool! I wasn't expecting the box to contain this much stuff! Thank you to MellyPea, 2Peas and Little Yellow Bicycle. I already told the kids that tomorrow, they have chores to do so Mommy can hide out in her scraproom all day.

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Oct 30, 2008

'Twas the day before Halloween...

And someone is getting bronchitis. I'll give you three guesses. *sigh* I woke up this morning with a wheezy barking cough and my right lung hurts. Currently I'm checking the status of my medicaid case to see if I can go to the doctor. If not I need to call my doctor and see if she'll see me and if there are meds on the $4 prescription list at Walmart. Ah, well my case is still pending. So much for that idea. I am however going to the doc on Saturday and I'll just have to pay cash. P.S. - I love my Doc. Her staff is super!

K- enough whining. Time to get on to the really good stuff. So 2Peas challenge today is what is one skill I've wanted but I don't have. I can only pick one? LOL I guess I would have to say that I really wish I was more of a people person, or at least had the ability to talk to people and make friends. Unless I know you, I probably won't talk to you...in person. On the internet, it's a whole 'nother story. But I've learned that people think I'm stuck up or "holier than thou" because I haven't spoken to them in whatever situation. What they don't realize is that I'm just worried about what uncomprehensible form of a sentence will come out of my mouth. Or spit. I'm always worried about spitting when I talk. So for both reasons, I just don't open my mouth. I need to work on that.

So I wanted to start a new feature on my blog. Okay, two new features that are basically the same. My movie review and my book review. I wanted to do these mainly out of boredom. So here are the first ones:

Movie: The Happening

I watched this yesterday. I thought it was really weird. I "got" the premise of it. But it really just fizzled out. I mean, the plants? Only in the North East part of the country? Ummm.... okay. I just wasn't feeling this one.

Book: sTori Telling by Tori Spelling

I literally just finished this one this morning. I really liked this. I was one of the throngs of millions that never thought of Tori as more than a spoiled little rich girl. I had started watching her TV show on Oxygen, and kept thinking she seemed more like "me" than some Hollywood starlet. And her book didn't change that opinion. It seems she spent her entire life looking for acceptance and rarely getting it. And she can laugh at herself. That's one of my favorite traits in a person. Honestly, if she were my neighbor, we'd probably be friends.

My next book is Twilight. I have it in my hot little hands and I'm going to start reading it tonight. Stay tuned.

Last night, we had scouts. We made Christmas cards to send to Troops overseas. Here are their creations. I have little budding artists in midst.

I used those little stamps I bought the other day and I have to admit, I actually enjoy stamping. I've never really done it, but I think I'm gonna invest in some different colors of ink pads and get into that groove. {I think my wallet just groaned} I really enjoyed what I was doing with the stamps I had. Perhaps this will break the block I've had.

And finally, we did cookies and candies to take to the teachers today. I was going to do goodie bags for about 70 students, but I have not been feeling right this week. So my daughter and my bf's daughter both baked cookies and did candies. I think everything turned out cute:

and these are my new favorite treats. Garlic Pumpkin seeds. I roasted them yesterday. I just love to suck the flavor off of them.

Oct 29, 2008

Yeah Me!

I won! I won! I won! LOL

I was cruising around 2Peas yesterday and found a thread about a little contest to leave peanut praise for others work. So I entered the contest and I won! How freaking cool is that? I'm super excited to get my box of HALLOWEEN goodies! {tee-hee} I feel for my mailperson though. I fear they think I'm a stalker, lol.

So 2Peas challenge today was to share a Halloween memory from my childhood. And I've sat here and thought and thought about those nights from not so long ago. I can't think of a funny story or a witty event at all. All I can remember is going to my stepdad's parents house because they lived in a neighborhood, as opposed to our house in the country. We'd all meet up, aunts, uncles, cousins...and we hit the streets. I guess one funny thing is that when I say aunts and uncles, notice there were no "step" involved. My mom's husbands brother was married to my mom's sister. Chew on that for a moment and ponder why I have a hard time remembering my childhood. Yeah.

Anyway, I have better memories of my kids' Halloweens, such as my daughter peeing on a neighbors Halloween display because he had a toilet in the yard. Or losing my son while trick or treating when he was almost two, 'cause I thought dad had him, dad thought I had him...you know the drill. My most recent is my son freaking out at the schools haunted house, and him screaming so loud one of the teachers running it tore down one of the walls to get to us, lol. I almost peed my pants!

I have a somewhat busy day today. I have to make candies and cookies for the classes tomorrow. We only have a half day tomorrow and no school on Halloween. (OK - technically Nevada Day, but do you think we care? ) And I have scouts tonight. I need to finish getting ready for that.

My final thought for today is that I cannot stand these new commercials for Burger King and their 'shroom and swiss burger. Those two guys are creeping me out. Seriously. I shudder when the damn commerical comes on. My boyfriend thinks the burger looks good, but I couldn't even bring myself to order one for fear those icky people would come out to serenade me. I think that would be my final straw. I'd be on the 11 o'clock news for murdering them with a plastic spork or something.

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Oct 27, 2008

Carving Pumpkins

I spent the evening carving pumpkins. I only did two because my hand is killing me! Anyway, I did a skull and crossbones and a spider web. Here are some really bad pictures, lol:

My camera is dying and just not very good so I'm afraid I'm not going to get very good pictures of these bad boys, lol. I'll try the boyfriends camera tomorrow night.

Anyway, I had another long boring day. The pressure of not having a job is weighing heavy. I am having a hard time focusing on doing anything. My poor house looks like a dump and I can't bring myself to care. How bad is that? I think that I am going to have to make myself a schedule. I need some kind of structure in my life. I used to be able to do this staying home gig. But I had a child or two underfoot when I did it. Now it's just me and my shadow. Maybe that's part of the problem. I dunno....

So, our Girl Scout troop is going to do Christmas cards to send to overseas US Troops. I'm really excited about that. There's something I can do tomorrow. I need to go through my scraproom and get stuff together to take to the meeting. Yeah! I have a plan!. LOL

All righty, I'm going to go blog surf before I go to bed. Have a good evening!

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Oct 26, 2008

OMGoodness! I'm sooooo tired today. I went to a friends Halloween party last night and then out for drinks with my other friend I went out with earlier in the week. Take a look at the devil lashes I had on. My eyes have never been more irratated, lol. I'll have more pics once my friend with the camera emails them to me. I took this with my camera once I got home at 1am. I had a good time, even if i did have two jack and cokes spilled in my lap. And today I am suffering through the day, getting the laundry caught up and getting ready to do my homework. Yeah me! Anyway, I just really wanted to share the "devil" lashes. I thought the were great, even if the aggravated me the whole night, lol. K- back to the grind. I'll post more later.

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Oct 25, 2008

Another busy day ahead

We went to the Halloween festival last night. It was fun for the most part. We bought $40 worth of tickets and the kids ate hotdogs, played games, made caramel apples and had a great time. I ran into people I haven't seen in a while, including one of my brother's old high school football buddies. I hooked them back up 'cause I'm cool like that. :) I also ran into one the mom's of 2 girls that were in my Girl Scout troop. That's where my night took a turn towards bad. I'd been wondering why the girls had stopped coming to meetings. I'd been leaving messages, sending emails and had heard nothing. Well, I found out that my daughter had been picking on these two girls, who happen to have some medical issues and are "slower" than other kids their ages. (This is what their mom told me - I have no idea what issues they have, be it autisim or what have you.) I guess my evil spawn #2 has been picking on them and making them cry. What I can't figure out is why I haven't heard anything about this before now. Needless to say, I was embarrassed, pissed at my kid and very apologetic to their mom. Our evening out ended quite quickly. I brought evil spawn #2 home and laid into her. I found out that my other evil spawn (#1 & #3) have been witness to this activity and have said nothing. I guess you can figure out that everybody under 5ft tall in my house is grounded. I told them all that if I EVER found out they were picking on anyone, any where, at anytime, I'd make them suffer. Why do kids act like this? Why do they feel the need to be mean to each other. I just don't get it. Evil Spawn #2 just got over a huge incident on the playground where she was the butt of the jokes. We spent days with Mood-Swing Barbie in the house before we found out what was going on and fixing it. My boyfriend think that she felt the need to pick on somebody and she took out on these two girls. Ugh. I *hate* being a mom sometimes. This is hard.

So, here are the three pictures I was able to catch at the festival. Why just 3 you ask? Well, somebody forgot to put the memory card back in her camera and therefore had the stinky crappy internal memory on her Kodak Z760.
This is Lizzie, the pirate, with her teacher, Mrs. Killian and some classmates:

This Allie with her teacher, Mrs. Rodriguez and Nate. Allie is Sharpay from HSM. Nate is Black Spidey.

This is Nate with his teacher, Mrs. Clark. She was so cute because her pumpkin face was over her little tiny baby bump. Last week, Nathan insisted we bring her orange juice " cause its good for the baby in her belly, mom!" He's so sweet.

This is my silly goofy boyfriend after the kids had gone to bed last night. He was wearing a Hanna Montana wig. He just brings sexy back, doesn't he?:

Okay, this is what was in my mailbox last night. Man I love getting cool goodies in the mail. This My Minds Eye "Nightlight", "Spooked" and "Frosty"

I am SO gonna make it into my scraproom and do something with these. I'm in LOVE.
Yesterday I also got some stuff from Joann's for the Girl Scout troop to make cards for soldiers next week. I bought the new Christmas stack, $1 stamps and these:
We'll see if these are as cool as stickles, but for $1 a piece, and almost twice the size, they'll work for making glittery cards for the holidays.

Okay, I have a million and one things to do today. I already started pulled pork for the pot luck I'm supposed to go to tonight, and I hung a 2nd rod in the kids' closet. I'm trying to organize my house and help keep the Chaos at bay. Now to do that mountain of laundry that's been taunting me, and make some sugar cookies. Hopefully there's a nap somewhere in there. LOL

Oh, btw, the interviews yesterday were so-so. The first one was good. The lady liked me, and told me she really liked my outlook and ideas. But I won't hear before late next week or early the week after. I didn't hear anything about the Piaute Indian Tribes position either. And the 2nd interview from yesterday I actually turned down. It paid less than I make on unemployment. And it had nothing to do with my skill set. I was kinda mad at the dude from the employment agency that sent me to it. He got an attitude when I passed on it. Did he honestly think I'd jump on a temp job that paid me nothing? Oh well.

Oct 24, 2008

Friday, Friday, Friday!

Last night, I went out for a drink with an old friend of mine. It was nice to get out of the house and blow off some steam. It really made me feel good to just talk and work through things with a good listener. I think we're going to go out on Saturday night too, since (hopefully) my kids will be gone for the weekend. The little ones for sure, but my oldest is up in the air. I asked Grandma to keep her so I can go to a different friends Halloween party. Which reminds me, I need to figure out what I'm taking to the pot luck. Hmmmm......... Maybe I'll stop tonight and get some pork roast and do crockpot pulled pork and sweet hawaiian rolls.

I woke up really early this morning, but in a good way. I wasn't groggy and tired. At 4:45am, my boyfriend kissed me goodbye and I tried my usual routine of going back to sleep. But I realized at 5am that I just wasn't tired. I got up and made some coffee and logged onto my Calculus class. And dropped it, lol. I found out that I have A's in my other three classes. I passed my ECON mid-term and have an A- in the class. And my Humanities and Core Humanities are both A's, because I got really good grades on my essays. Sweet! Anyway, that meant that I could safely drop Calculus. I have to pass 75% of my classes to keep my financial aid. And I am more than just passing. Yeah me! I decided to not worry about the one class I just wasn't getting. I'll take it next semester on campus instead of online. That's one less stress for me right now.

Today I have two interviews, one at 10am and one at 3pm. I thought I'd come home in between, but they are both on the other side of town, probably 20 or so miles away and I don't think wasting the gas to come back home is such a good idea. So instead, I am going to finish my first interview and go grab lunch somewhere, just myself and Tori. Yep! I got Stori Telling from the library's wait list. I'm going to go sit somewhere and have a nice french onion soup and read. Then I'm going to Toys R Us and Burlington Coat Factory. I need to start looking around for Christmas and I need to buy myself a grown up coat. I have been looking at this one:
It's from LLBean. My mom has a similar one that I really like. I decided that it was time to ditch the hoodies (for the most part) and try playing the part of grown up. This coat appeals to me because while it appears "grown up", it's not overly stuffy. 'Cause I'm a big girl and I don't desire to look like the stay puff marshmellow girl. Anyway, before I commit to getting this one online, since there are not LLBean stores around here, I'm gonna go check out Burlington Coat Factory and see what they have. I always find good deals there.

And Toys R Us is having a promotion to buy $25 of Hanna Montana or HSM3 stuff and get a free movie pass to HSM3. Now, I know I can find $25 worth of that junk. But the delimia is, do I WANT to get the movie pass? Do I want to go to a movie theater full of pre-teen girls oogling what's his nose? Ummmm...........

After I'm done with my interviews, I'm coming home to get the kids ready for the Halloween festival tonight. I bought 40 tickets for $20 because I've never done this before. My boyfriends kid looked at me like was nuts. But it's simple mathmatics. Dinner is between 2-3 tickets and drinks are 1 ticket. There are 6 of us going. So just dinner alone is 12-18 tickets and 6 for drinks. And then there are the games for 1-2 tickets per pop times 4. Crud. I should have bought more tickets! LOL Anyway, the kids are dressing up in their costumes and I get to spend the evening roaming the hallways of the school being glared at by the PTO moms who just can't understand my desire to NOT spend my "free" time at the school. Seriously. But, eh, who cares? My kids will have a good time.

All right I have to get the heathens ready and off to school and then I get to get myself ready. What a long day this is gonna be.

Oct 23, 2008

Gettin' Better.....

So, this past week has been LONG..... I'm not gonna go into a whole lotta detail but I'm getting better. I think it helps that I am not sick with the flu. Still no job, but I have interviews at least. That's a step in the right direction. I have a mid-term in Pre-Calculus that I am going to FAIL. I haven't been able to study. I'll be getting back into it tonight, so we'll see. The test is Saturday morning.

Anyway, I spent the morning today driving all over rural northern Nevada looking for the Paiute Indian Tribe's Council Office to have an interview. I finally found it and had an okay interview. I don't think I'll get the job, because I really lack the experience they're looking for. Not that I couldn't pick it up, but I think they need someone who already has it.

So once I got home, I had to make the cakes I signed up to provide for the cake walk at the Halloween festival at the kids' school. You know, I really had a bunch of fun making these. I didn't make the icing from scratch though and I think that I'll be doing that from now it. It was kind of hard to work with. The spider cake is red velvet with cream cheese icing. Imagine cutting into that and seeing the red cake inside. Adds to the spookiness I think, lol. The pumpkin is just a halloween confetti cake mix with vanilla icing. The important thing is that my kids like them. But that's the point isn't it? :)

Okay, so part of me being depressed is me changing things. So I dyed my hair. I don't think you can really tell in the pictures, but it's darker than it was. (Chocolate Peanut Butter by Nutresse.) I really, really like it. Although I might go get it re-done in a couple of weeks with a splash of blonde highlights. Just cause I can. Oh! I tried that new Maybelline mascara, Colossal. All I can say is WOW! Love this stuff! If you can get some, do so. It's rockin'!

All righty then. I'm gonna get off the 'net and get busy with my homework. Oh, and I have two more interviews tomorrow. Wish me luck!
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Oct 18, 2008

I've been crying for three days...

It's not been a happy place in my lemony-cupcake world. Not having a job is really stressing me out. And I'm having/creating problems with my boyfriend. My "best friend" is sending me nasty emails, but I'm figuring its not much of a loss really. It's been coming. And my dryer decided to go out on Thursday. I had a midterm that I don't think I did well on and I have a midterm paper due Monday I haven't even started on. Did I mention that my boyfriend told me he wasn't "in love" with me, but he cares about me? Yeah. That's been my past couple of days. I'm really, really tired. My head hurts. I just wanted to get that out "there" somewhere. I can't hold it in anymore.

Oct 10, 2008

Well, I was going to decorate for Halloween today....

But this is what it looked like outside today. I am highly disappointed because I want my Fall season, lol. Jumping from shorts last weekend to winter coats and gloves just isn't doing it for me. So, I spent the entire day on the sofa, bundled in my sweats, surfing the internet. I've learned a lot of interesting tid-bits today. Anyway, this weather is supposed to continue all weekend. I'm supposed to meet the ex tomorrow at 8am to drop the kids off. I HATE driving in this and I don't like the idea of him driving around with them in his car.
So since it's icky weather, I am going to be in my room all weekend, alternating between homework and scrapping projects. I have mid-terms coming up so I assume it will be more homework than scrapping, but I won't be able to focus on homework all day. I bought some albums yesterday at Big Lots for between $5-$7 each. I'm planning on raiding my stash and making some homemade gifts for Christmas this year. I won't be able to afford much else. But this will make gift giving fun. :)
So I still have no job prospects. :( I am trying to utilize any and all assistance programs available to me. Trying to apply for these seems to be a test of my patience, will-power, and sense of humor. I have been treated like I am a thief, a drug addict, and not the least bit intelligent. I understand that these case workers are jaded, but treating people with a little respect must be an ancient way of thinking. The lady that did my intake for medicaid was thisclose to respect. She at least realized ( I hope!) that I am using these programs as intended, as a leg up when times are hard. Today though I had one of those last straw frustration moments. I had applied for free/reduced lunch for the kids way back in mid-Aug. Because of track break, we did not received the "denial" letter until this past Monday. I was trying to fix the problem and was not met with an iota of success. Here's the letter I sent:
I am writing to complain about the handling of my inquiry into the processing of my application. I filed for free/reduced lunch in July, when my kids started at ATE. I was sent a letter stating I had to re-apply before 8/21/08, as my application was only approved for 45 days. I sent an application to the school, which was processed around 8/29/08, as that is the date of the letter I have in my hands. (Application #1090408) The letter was given to my children upon their return to school from track break on 10/06/08. According to the letter the application was denied because: . Yes, the denial reason was blank. I called to inquire why the application was denied. I spoke to KR, who after telling me my original application was only good for 45 days, which I already knew, informed me that was probably because there was no income documentation attached. I have two problems with this: 1. NOWHERE on the application does it say to attach any kind of documentation. 2. The reason for denial should have been listed on the denial letter.
When I spoke to KR, I asked if I could bring the documentation to the office on Your Street. She said that I could drop it off. I brought a copies of my unemployment letter, the denial letters, and the information about my children to the office and left it for KR at the front counter. This afternoon, I called and spoke to KR, explained the situation again and asked her about the status of the application. She looked up my children and told me in a very snotty tone that zero income applications were only approved for 45 days and that I needed to reapply. I explained that I understood that, and I had indeed reapplied and I had called about the denial letter I had been sent earlier and was told I needed income documentation. She told me that nutrition services did not send out letters and that she did not know what I was talking about. I asked her if she had the papers I had dropped off on Tuesday, and she told me no. I tried to refresh her memory about our earlier conversation, but I got the feeling that she really didn't care about resolving the situation.
I am very frustrated with this situation and the way I was treated. It is impossible to know that income documentation needs to be attached to the application if the instructions for filling out the application do not state that. The letter attached to the application states on line 7. Will the information I give be checked? Yes, we MAY ask you to send written proof of income. It does not say that a copy must be stapled to the application, which is what KR kept repeating to me.
I cannot imagine I am the first person to be in this situation. And I am very disappointed that when I have tried to comply and resolve the situation that I was met with attitude and brick walls.
I am resubmitting an application at the school on Monday with my proof of income stapled to the application. I would like to know the standard processing time so that I can pay for lunches in the mean time.
Thank you for your time.
I don't know what good it will do, but I did everything I was supposed to and got attitude in return. I get really frustrated when the people that are supposed to be helping are putting up road blocks instead. And don't get me started about the made up rules. Seriously. If I'm supposed to "staple" back up documentation to an application, putting that in the instructions might be prudent. Just a thought. So apparently I'm stirring the pot again. My thinking is that if it needs to be stirred, hand me the spoon. I'm not out of line to ask for answers.

On the lighter side, my poor kitty Zero is not liking this drop in temperature. He has been next to me all day. Just trying to snuggle up and get warm I guess. He's even been following me to the bathroom, lol. It is kind of cold in the house. ;)

Well, I'm gonna put the kidlets to bed and hit the hay myself, mostly because of the down comforter. I'm freezing!

Oct 7, 2008

So I just finished this book. This is the 2nd book by Tami Hoag that I've read since I've been laid off. I'm doing a lot more reading since I supposedly have the time to do it, lol. Anyway, the book was good, but in the end I found myself a little upset. (There may be spoilers so if you want to read the book, stop reading this now.) At the end of the book, the main character is reflecting to herself about the last 10 days. How she stumbled on a murder and fell.in.love. Ugh! 10 days! And she and her lover are saying "I love you" to each other. *sigh* Can I just say in almost two years, my boyfriend has only said it twice, on accident, because I tricked him into it. He's got this "thing" about saying I love you. I know it stems from his ex-wife saying it to him, even when she was planning on leaving him and cheating. To him it's not "real" or it doesn't mean anything. He always tells me "I kinda like you" or he says that he cares about me. But it's not "I love you" And he wonders why I question our relationship sometimes. Boys!

Okay, so why does this look like it's gonna be funny? :
Seems like MS's daughter Alexis is gonna dish on her mom. But then it's on MS's network, so how good could it be? I'm gonna try to catch this at 9pm, just to see what goes on. I really don't like MS. Every once in a blue moon I see something of hers that I might want, but I usually resist the urge to buy it. Maybe because I am so domestically challenged, I take it out on MS. I can't match anything, clutter dominates my home and I have never been able to frost a cupcake correctly, lol. I have to blame somebody, right?

Okay so this is my kids room. It's a disaster area. I'm so frustrated with this. I can't understand why they can't keep their room picked up. All those clothes on the floor? Those are clean and BRAND NEW clothes they just dropped on the ground. And I promise they have blankets and pillows. They're buried underneath that mess. Anyway, I've decided to take a ummm, sterner approach to being the parent. Apparently my trying to be nice is not working. Between the sty they live in, the constant fighting and arguing and the meltdowns when something isn't going their way, I'm ready to scream. They'll be home in a minute and as soon as they walk in the door, one of them will have a complete meltdown about not getting snack, not wanting to do their homework, not getting to sit where they want to, or not getting to do what they want. I'm going to cut them off at the pass so to speak. I'm afraid they aren't going to like me very much, but that's a chance I'm willing to take. K- I hear the bus. Time to put on my "mean momma".

Oct 6, 2008

It's Fall y'all!!

So I am going to concede to the fact that it's fall. Even though I don't want it to be. Even though I don't need it to be. Anyway, the first signs of fall around my humble abode is banana bread. Yep. Every year about this time I bake it and every year it fails to rise, which reminds me I need new flour. So here's 2.5 loaves of non-fluffy banana bread. I think my boyfriend is thrilled, lol.

Anyway, it's been an interesting weekend. I've been LAZY as can be. I haven't done nearly enough housework. But I did manage to go to a church yard sale on Saturday. And looky what that got me - a new to me purse for a whole whopping .25¢. Yeah Me! Although, I'm not schooled in purses, so I am probably carrying a summer purse in winter. But my pretty green Nine West purse I bought for spring has been doing a darn good job since March-ish. I figure I should probably update it a little. I have my burgundy corduroy purse from last fall to use if I see too many people being critical of my white and black one over the next few weeks. Oh wait a minute, I forgot! I don't have to care what others think about my tackiness! Life is much simpler for me that way. *giggle*

So tomorrow I have an interview for a long-term temporary position. I wasn't going to worry about it, but I feel like I'm being given the run around with the state position I'd heard about a couple of weeks ago. And quite honestly with the holidays coming up, I need the income. I can't rely on anyone else to give me money. And my bills are starting to fall behind again. I don't want to be in that situation. I got a letter about the kids' free school lunch being denied because of (.) That's what the paper said. No explaination, just a period. I have a feeling that the paper from my unemployment never made it to the office. Since I'm going to be out tomorrow I'm going to the central office and making sure they get the appropriate papers. $2.50 per kid per day is a little steep for me at the moment. Especially out of the blue. Luckily I bought lunch fixin's at the store today so they can brown bag it the rest of this week.

Off that subject and onto the pictures from the pumpkin patch. :) We went Friday and had a good time. It was chilly, so I only planned on staying about 1.5 hours, which was perfect.

Allie on the hay ride:

Nate kickin back on the hay ride:

Lizzie pickin' out a pumpkin:

Nate pickin' up a date, lol:

My piglest checkin' out the piglets:

We're going to go back just us in a week or so. I want to get some photos of us, me included. I'm going to have to seek out a volunteer to be the photographer. Any takers?

Alright, I have to go read another chapter in my Core Humanities book and start writing my essay that's due on the 9th. Ugh. I keep kicking myself wondering what I was thinking when I signed up for college again. Someone remind me, please? Oh yeah.....

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