Jan 25, 2009

Sunday, Jan 25th...Already? What the!?!?!?

How did it get to be the 25th already? Oh yeah, that's right. I'm working. And I'm in pain. And trying to hold down the lemon cupcake fort alone, lol.

While I am grateful to have a job, I am so bored with the monotony of it. Copy > Paste > Print. I do that 1000 times a day. My poor brain has melted. But it will be over before I know it and I'll be complaining that I don't have a job.

So somehow, I hurt myself. Pretty badly apparently. I was having a numbness and pain in my left arm, so naturally I went to the doctor. It wasn't a stroke (thank goodness), but their best guess without an MRI is that I've pinched a nerve in my shoulder and it's causing all the pain and numbness in my arm. So I've been taking muscle relaxers. Or knock-me-out-on-my-ass-all-day pills. Seriously. I slept through the entire weekend. I can't take these when I go to work. Not that they'd notice, lol. So they seem to be working alright to ease the pain. Unfortunately now I have a handful of pills to take every night. Between the diabetes meds, the ibuprofen, the blood pressure meds and now the muscle relaxers, I take about a dozen pills at a time. Yeah me!

So in what little time tonight that I was conscious, I managed to work on putting my room back together a little. Here's another sneak peek:

From T-Mobile Pictures

Click on that to see the little bit of progress I've made. Also, my dollar spot finds from recent trips to Target, Michaels and J's.

Alrighty, I'm gonna go hug my heating pad and read Stephen King. Hopefully I will have more to post sometime this week. Oh yeah, classes start tomorrow. Yeah me! :)

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Jan 18, 2009

A little sneak peak into my "new" digs.

It's almost 11pm and I am headed to bed, but I thought that I would share a sneak peak of my "new" scraproom. As I have complained in the past, my desk sucked. I *loathed* it, lol. So after searching, I got a great idea from my ex-sister-in-law. I built a desk.

So here's the "before":

And the sneak peak of the "after":

I built the desk and hung the peg board today. I still have things to do tomorrow, so I'll post again when it's all done.

G'nite. :)

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Jan 4, 2009

Frugal tip #1 - Kids' birthday parties

So since I am turning into frugal mom of the year, I thought I'd share this tip. I spent forever looking for somewhere to have my kids' birthday party. I could not believe the ransoms some of the places around town wanted to host the parties. Being a penny pinching fool lately, $250 for a jumping party or $280 for a playroom party (with the option to spend more on "extras") just wasn't cutting it for me. I was all set to host a party at home, but even then the question lingered, what would they do? So I continued my investigating and came across the city's park and rec's website. For a whopping $88, the kids would have access to the pool, and the staff would provide decorations, goodie bags and clean up. Um, okay. Sold! Of course I questioned exactly how the quality of the party was going to be. And yesterday I found out.

To my surprise, the decorations were awesome, the goodie bags were stuffed and everything was laid out perfectly. I had booked the last party slot of the day and the pool was available to the kids from 1:30 to 4:00. That was the best part of the party I think. The kids showed up, they swam and once they were worn out, we rested and ate cake, lol.

So that's my frugal tip #1 - discover your parks and rec department and see what they have to offer. Mine in particular offered a lot and didn't charge me an arm and a leg for it.

BTW - We had about 16 kids there. I invited some the kids of some of my friends and I got in touch with a couple of the kids that were originally invited and they were able to make it. So everything worked out in the end. :)

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Jan 2, 2009

I settled on a few "resolutions" for this year

After I recapped last years resolutions, I thought long and hard about what I want for myself this year. So bear with me as I list these:

  • Find a job. A real job. With health insurance.
  • Lose at least 10% of my body weight. Which would be about 24 lbs.
  • Buy a dining room table that seats 6. And use it.
  • Get better car insurance.
  • Make more time for my family.
  • Make more time for my friends.
  • Make more time for my hobbies.
  • Start therapy, because I really need someone to talk to so I can clear my mind.
Pretty simple I think. Nothing too earth shattering. I just really need to focus my attention back to improving myself, so I can improve my situation.

So tomorrow is the kids' pool party. I'm hoping that everything works out well and we all have fun. Which means I gotta go find my swimsuit.

Here's a picture of the kidlets meeting Santa. I don't think I ever posted this, so I thought I'd share.

Okay, I'm off to read another couple of chapters in my book. G'nite.

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