Jul 25, 2007

2Peas challenge 7.26.07

Challenge ---

Blog about some of the challenges in your life that u are now facing. If any.
Be as blunt, or bold as u like.

Right now, my whole life is a challenge. Starting with my family, I'm having issues with both my parents about my divorce. I can't seem to make them understand and/or support my decision. My kids are quite a handful, and we're working really hard to overcome some of the issues with them. My home life has had some issues as I explained in a previous post. I really want to have a sit down discussion with my BF, but it just isn't happening. Like right now, I got home and he's not here. I called him and he said he's waiting for a drawing at a casino, and he'll call me back. Nights like this he's usually not home until 11pm or later. And we've been "discussing" via email all day, which means he's in no hurry to get home.

And at work, I have been doing the work of two people. I'm spending a lot of time at work and sometimes I feel like I drowning. But I made some headway today and hopefully it will stay calm for the next two days.

So I just have to keep telling myself that I will get through this. Things will work themselves out sooner or later.

2Peas Blogger

Monday 7.23.07
Today's Challenge~ Let's talk Groove. How would you best describe your style? (Taken from the Find your groove book) Clean lines Graphic Eclectic Classic Shabby or Old World Hip and Trendy Anything Goes

I’m an anything goes kinda girl. I don’t really have a style. But that’s just the way I roll. I don’t have a style with my look, my clothes, my décor, nothing. If I like it, I do it and sometimes, even if I don’t like it, I do it.

Tue 7.24.07
Today's Challenge~ Do you use stamps with your layouts?

OMG – No! But I want to! I bought the $1 stamps at Michaels and I have one lousy stamp pad. I want to buy more, but I am so broke, and the pads are so expensive. Its on my list of things to try once my cash flow is improved. :)

Wed 7.25.07
Challenge: Consider this and blog your answer: If you found a $100 bill on the sidewalk, what would you do? a/put it in my wallet, hello new shoes! b/Pass it by, gross, germs! c/Give the money to charity. d/Add it to my savings. Pick your answer and then blog/expand on your decision..

Honestly, right now, it would go in my wallet. Things are very tight with daycare, extra food and zilch in child support. $100 would pay a weeks daycare or buy two weeks worth of groceries. If I lived in Perfectville, I’d donate it.

Its 5 in the morning......

One of my favorite songs... and it seemed appropriate, since it really is five in the morning, lol. I've been up since 4am, so I probably should have started this sooner since I have to jump in the shower in just a minute. The word busy is a nice way to put my life. I'm really trying to stay positive in the face of many struggles. Theres the ongoing issues with my ex-husband. We have court next week, and I just pray that things go the way I want them. I am completely broke, and am asking for emergency child support. I have been trying to sell off my SB stuff, but have had no takers so far. I don't know what I am going to about paying for groceries and daycare. But I just keep telling myself, I will survive. Now on to my bitchy vent, so feel free to stop reading, lol.....

My dad was in town last week. I spent a collective 6 hours with him. He bought my kids some presents and went about his merry way. He spent the rest of his 5 day vacation with my brother. He also spent a pretty penny buying new tires, new brakes, paying for insurance, registration and DMV penalities so that my unemployed, not even looking for a job brother can have a car. Because he has a new baby. There are just so many things wrong with that. (oh and guess who said unemployed brother called for gas money? Yep.) Do you think he asked me if I could use a little cash? Nope. All he did was "talk" to me about how I'm making a mess of my life and that I should really re-think my decision to divorce my husband and cause turmoil in the lives of my kids. Uh-huh. You go live with the abusive bastard. So I got the shaft, again. I should really be used to it by now. But whatever.

And the dear BF and I had it out. Over a stupid website. There's this site that touts itself as a online bar where you can meet people. Ask yourself real quick, exactly who are trying to meet when you go to a bar? A. You're looking to meet friends you can talk to. B. You're looking for the hook-up. Yeah. Anyway, so he's got this profile on there and he had 205 or so "friends", 95% of which were scantily clad females, some of whom are in our town. Say it with me: OH. HELL. NO. He's talking to these females all day at work, and sometimes at night. He ignores my IM's while he's talking to these other females. I told him again and again that it makes me very uncomfortable that hes on there, and I asked him to delete his profile. He wouldn't do it, saying it was amusing to him. His profile said he was there to meet friends and decent people. No mention of have a girlfriend that he LIVES with. So I put a profile up that said: I'm only here because my boyfriend thinks this place is amusing. I don't find it amusing that he views and talks to skanks who are so attention deprived that they feel the need to put naked pictures of themselves out on the internet. Well, one of these lovlies decided to send me a message about how cynical my profile was. I lost it. I told him that obviously she was comfortable enough with their relationship to email me, and that I wasn't having it. I made him delete his profile. I just couldn't believe how disrespectful he was towards me about it. He kept telling me it was just a website, and it wasn't important. So I just didn't understand why he kept messing around on it after I told him I was uncomfortable with it. But its over now, at least I hope it is.

In other news, we had a fun trip to Vegas this past weekend. We gambled and ate and just hung out. It was HOT as hades there though. I sure don't miss living there. Here's a couple of pics:

With that, I must shower and get ready for work. But I'll be back to answer some challenges later today. :)

Jul 18, 2007

So its two blogger challenges in one. :)

Wednesdays 2Peas Challenge: What kinds of things stop you from creating? blog about it.

Just about everything keeps me from creating right now. First and foremost is time. I lack the time to finish organizing, purging, and brainstorming. I have also lost my mojo. I know that I'll find it tucked away in a dark corner somewhere, but for now, its just gone. Of course, it could just be hiding from the mess, lol.

Thursday 2Peas Challenge: If you could take a drive to anywhere, where would you go??? blog about it.

I honestly don't know. I guess if I could drive anywhere, it would be back to North Carolina. I'd love to make that trip, and take my time to see the country. I'd also love to drive all over the state, from the outer banks to the mountains and everything in between.


Tonight I'm getting ready for my vacation. I originally took today, tomorrow and Friday off, but I went to work for 3 hours today. And it looks like I'm gonna have to go in for a little while tomorrow. I just keep telling anyone who stops at my desk that I'm on vacation, and to leave me alone, lol. I kinda had to laugh to myself when a birdie told me that they were trying to get me an "extra" vacation day. What's the point if I can't even be gone one full day? I want to relax, but I'm guessing that won't happen until sometime Saturday. *sigh* On the other hand, I guess its nice to be wanted/needed. I should look at it as job security.


Alright, I need to jump into the shower. I have to shave my legs. The stubble is driving me insane. I know, too much information.....

Jul 17, 2007

So its been a while....

I'm gonna start with the 2Peas blog Challenge: Blog about 5 things you do every day , without fail. List 5 things you do each and every day, weekday or weekend...

1. Shower. Everyday.
2. Coffee. Even the kids know I'm grumpy without at least one cup.
3. Turn on my computer. Work or play, I'm on every.single.day.
4. Make the bed. It's his rule, not mine, lol.
5. Look for my sons shoes. They are never in the same place twice.

Okay, so its been very very busy for me. I have new responsiblilities at work, and I'm tired! But life is still good, I haven't fallen off the face of the planet, and I will scrap again soon!

Jul 7, 2007


First the 2Peas challenge for today:
Today's blog challenge is~ In your homes are you the type of person who is big on theme's for each room or do you just go with whatever works for you? This should be fun to read.

Right now the only theme in my house is chaos, lol. I've never really had a "theme" other than my watermelon collection in my kitchen. Mostly I just go with what works for me. :) I've seen some homes where someone takes a theme and runs with it....like the Disney house. This house was the colors of Disney, in every room. Mickey Mouse every where. It was almost too much.


So, I have laptop envy. My boyfriend just bought a new laptop last night. (yep- mines still dead.) He got a Gateway, and I'm using it right now. :) I don't know if I'm envious because his is bigger than mine or what? LOL


I'm still sorting through my scrapbook supplies and getting ready to sell it off. There is entirely too much. And I have to relocate it to a corner in the living room, so I can no longer hide it in the closet. I'm researching some storage solutions and checking out others scrap spaces to see how they're blending it all into the background in an open room.


Well, I'm off here to keep working on the re-arranging of the "stuff". But I'll be back, I promise.

Jul 6, 2007

R.I.P to the laptop ~ I got the blue screen of death...........

So my laptop bit the big one this morning. :( I'm hoping that someway, somehow, I'll be able to retrieve the info from the hard drive at some point in the near future. But for now, since I'm broke, I won't be able to fix it until who knows when.

I do still have a PC at home,but I'm kinda not prone to sitting there in front of the desk to play on the puter. I imagine that I'm gonna have a lot more time for the other things in my life now, lol.

Jul 5, 2007

Finally Thursday

2Peas Challenge~ Do you have memory/yearbooks from your school days that you like to sit and look back and wonder what were we thinking? If ya get brave share one of your favorite school pics.

The last time I looked at my yearbook was to look up my now boyfriend. He was around my high school when I was. We found that to be quite funny. But as for just sitting around reminiscing, I don't really do that. I don't have any real reason too. I'm a party pooper I know.


I just started reading Southern Fried Divorce by Judy Conner. I'm only two chapters in, but I have laughed out loud several times. I think its a "must read"!


It's written by the sister of the original Sweet Potato Queen. Man, I SO want to be a SPQ. I'm southern, I've got the big red hair, I've read all the books. :) Check them out here.....



My foot is swollen again. I think it might really be stress related. And that sucks. I got stress. It's not going away. What I don't need is a swollen painful football foot everytime I stress over something. I can't do anything but sit on my butt.


So my ex gave a b-day gift to my mother for my daughter, and some little presents for the other kids. Thats great fine and dandy. But do ya think that maybe, just maybe he'd, I dunno, hand her a check too? Yeah, sure, he's restricted from talking to me. I'm sure he's probably still pissed as hell at me too. But you'd think that since he wants to project this "holier than thou" image that he'd be chomping at the bit to show the world he's not the kind of guy to not help pay for the care of his kids. Hmm... Go figure. But then again, I knew this would happen. So did the rest of the population that actually knows the real man behind the myth.


So it was 103 degrees here today. I have sweat coming from places I didn't know could actually produce sweat! My feet were squishing in my flip flops, lol. I moved back up here from Vegas for a reason! We haven't really turned the A/C on yet this year either. But I'm thinking it might be about time. What's funny is that I was thinking about taking my little heater to work since the A/C is set to frigid and my hands have actually gone numb from the cold. One of my co-workers has hers on, and I walked past it and decided that was what I was gonna do. I mean, it's beginning to look suspiscious that I got take "smoke breaks" with the other girls and I don't even smoke. I'm just trying to thaw out. :)

Speaking of hot, my thighs are burning from the laptop sitting on them, so I'm gonna go curl up and read some more of my book before I go to sleep.

Sweet Dreams and G'nite!

Lord, give me strength.....

So they promoted the wicked bitch of the office to the lead position. So now, it isn't just that she thinks she's in charge, she really is. This was one of those promotions that was based on someones abilitiy to kiss ass. They even said they were't playing favorites when they made their decision.... #1- You wouldn't have to say it if everyone didn't already know you were. #2- the "best" qualified applicant wasn't even considered really, it was just for show.
So I'm just aggravated. Because I work with her. And she doesn't do crap. I do all the work. (She actually told a higher up that she was beind in processing because I was off for one day. Now, she had just gotten back from a week long vacation and I didn't fall behind while she was gone. ) She's never here and when she's in the building, she's never at her desk. She single handedly caused one of our accounts to be about 20% under where it should have been at year end because she refused to process some paperwork.
And I'm supposed to congradulate her? I.DON'T.THINK.SO. Oh, and its not jealousy. I wasn't up for the position (not that I was told it was open), nor did I want to be. Now I just want to transfer or quit. This is gonna suck it big time. *ugh*

Jul 4, 2007

Happy 4th!!

Give your allegiance to the present, not to the past. As you move forward, you have to know what you can leave behind. The truth is, almost none of it is so necessary that you have to carry it on your back.

This is my horoscope for today. I'm telling you, its just been dead on for the past few weeks. I did something important yesterday that is the beginning of the final step of letting my past actually be my past.


So today we're rearranging the apartment, and hopefully sometime, I'll get an opportunity to have some quiet time to scrap. Actually, that will probably be next week when the BF is out of town. :( (yeah, I'm gonna miss him)
We're going to try to find someplace to watch the fireworks tonight. We haven't thought that far ahead yet, though. I don't want to go down to the middle of town, but somewhere on the outskirts. But for now, I have to put together a bunk bed. I'll be back around later!

Jul 3, 2007

So happy its TUESDAY!

Today's Challenge~ With summer here and alot of kids out of school. Let's share if we like to go to the beach or city pool more? Have a nice day!

Well, we prefer Grandma's Pool, lol. But since we don't live close to her anymore, we're gonna settle for the apartment complex's pool. We'd go to the beach, but I'm not too keen on sand. Oh, and the "beach" is a kinda long drive for us. We have lakes, but those just aren't that much fun without jet ski's or boats. I think this year though, we'll probably take day trips to Tahoe or Pyramid, just because we never did that when my ex was around. We never did anything really.

Jul 1, 2007

Post for tomorrow....

My Horoscope for 07.01.07 ~ Lately your life has felt like a well-oiled machine, and no wonder. All the work you've been putting in your career, in your relationships and in your mental health have really been paying off. Kudos!

Lately my horoscope has been dead on! Spooky, creepy and things like that. LOL

2Peas blogger for 7.2.07 ~
Today's Challenge~ With Fourth of July right around the corner. Let's share our plans for holiday.

Right now, we really don't have any plans for the holiday. We'll probably kick back at home, go swimming, and then go find somewhere off the beaten path to watch fireworks. I was thinking about going up to the top of the hill behind my apartment to see how the view is from there. Because of the Angora Fire, there was talk about not even having fireworks this year, but since the fire department does such a through job of following up afterwards, they're on!


Only 10 days until the Harry Potter premire! I can't wait! My DD wants to go, but I don't know if I'm going to take her. It seems so dark and kinda scary. But, since she's 9 now, I'll let her decide. But it'll definately be a Mommy & Me trip to the movies.

ok - its bedtime for the boogs. I need to treat their sunburns and send them to la-la land. Then its bedtime for me. I've got a big busy day tomorrow. :) Is it weird that I like the days when no one's at work but me? G'nite!

The Party

DD's birthday party was great for her. :) The one friend she was hoping to have come over was the one who actually did. So she was very, very happy. They played in the pool for over 2 hours. She loved her cake & ice cream. And she loved her presents. Here are a couple of pics:

On a side note, how sad is it that I bought wrapping paper because I wanted to use it on a scrapbook page? LOL

Here's the challenge for Sunday: What paper lines are you just loving right now?? Blog about it.

Right now I'm really into Fancy Pants Designs "Floral Chic". This line is gorgeous! I just love this paper line. I've already bought it, and I'm just waiting on the inspiration to hit me, lol. Okay, so I'm really just trying to find the time to scrap something...anything. Maybe this afternoon after the b-day party for my DD. They are so laying down for a nap when thats over.
So this one isn't floral chic, but its still beautiful. :)
Well, I'm up at 6:30 (again-isn't it the weekend??), braiding my boyfriends DD's hair and baking a birthday cake. Hopefully, I'll get a nap later on. And can I just say that the cake smells very yummy. Must be something to do with the fact that I'm starting on my diet again. *giggle* Yeah, I've slipped off the wagon. But, I've got the will power to try again. At least I think I do.
OK - I'm gonna go shower and get a little quiet time in before the kiddos wake up. I have to cook DD's b-day breakfast (bacon and scrambled eggs) once she wakes up. And then its a pool party @ 11am. I never heard from any of the people she invited, so I really hope someone shows up.

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