Mar 30, 2009

For Chris

So, here are pictures of my somewhat complete scraproom. If I keep waiting for it to be clean and "pretty" I will never post pics. Anyway, I re-did my room from the dark and gloominess that it was. It's all bright and livable now. :)

So that's my scrap happy place. Hopefully I will scrap now.

Anyway, I am reading another Stephanie Meyers book called The Host. Nope, not a vampire book. Try aliens. Yep. I'll let you know what I think. So far, it's alright. Interesting beginning I guess.

Tomorrow is another busy day. I have to run to Carson City and plan my girl scout meeting. Oh, and take an anthropology mid-term. I haven't really studied for. Hmmm...... Guess I should be doing that. Instead, I am making a birthday card for my son's teacher. And I guess I should work on the baby boy whatever-ma-jig I'm giving her since she goes out on maternity leave Friday. Of course, that could technically wait until she returns to school next year, but she won't be my son's teacher anymore. *sigh*. Okay. I'm getting off the computer and getting back on task. Talk to you later!

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Mar 24, 2009

Twilight BLAH!!

So I've laying around the house in sheer misery from side effects of my Depo shot. I haven't been able to do much more than lay in bed and throw up, much like being pregnant. I haven't decided which condition is worse. Today is the first day I have kept anything down. And it is also the day the mailman dropped off my new Netflix rentals, one of which was Twilight. OMG! How dumb can a movie be? Well, I found out. I read the first and second books. I wasn't impressed. I still can't get over the premise of the storyline. Vampires in the daytime. Ummm, okay. First of all, Stephanie Meyer made her cameo. Cheesey. Secondly, I have stuff in my scraproom that could put those "glittering" vampires to shame. Puh-lease! That wasn't glitter, lol. I guess if you just have time to kill, you should watch it. I'm mailing it back in tomorrows mail.

So like I said I've been dog sick since last week. And my spring break is over. :( I've had a lot of time to read, so I'm caught up on that. But man, it's hard to pay attention to Core Humanities when all I want to do is sleep, lol.

I also haven't done anything in my scraproom. Sorry Chris. :( I don't have much left to do, so I'm hoping that I'm still feeling good tomorrow so I can get in there. I have the first few episodes of the Tudors on DVD that I plan on watching while I finish up in there. That ought to motivate me. I saw the first episode of the third season and I'm hooked. History being served up as entertainment. I'm sure they have taken a lot of leeway with the facts, but what I saw had a good grasp on what I've been reading about in class. Plus, they're all so pretty.... hehehe.....

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Mar 17, 2009

Tuesdays Gone With the Wind....

He he....I couldn't resist.

Okay, so tonight we went to Klunker's, a local ice cream parlor, for a fundraiser for my daughter's classroom. We decorated cookies and hung out for a bit. I am a very bad scrapbooker because I did not take my camera. (I am so fired!) But we had a good time.

I spent the day tackling the mess that is my scraproom. Hopefully, I'll finish tomorrow. Who knew this would be such a project? LOL Actually, tomorrow is it. It has to be done. I have things to do during the day Thursday and Friday.

I've got a lot of stuff I want to try out when my scraproom is done. I've seen some really neat sketches lately that I can't wait to adapt. I'll post the sketch and my take on it as I make them.

Happy news! I found my long lost best friend! She popped up on Facebook one day last week. We have been talking and catching up. It's like we never left off all those years ago. What's funny is that even though we've been apart for almost 13 years, our lives have been eeriely similar. Our interests are the same and we're going through some of the same issues. I'm grateful we're not on different planets and we have something to talk about, lol.

Alrighty, I'm gonna catch some Zzz'sss. I think I'm gonna get up earlier than normal to give myself a longer day. Oh that a good idea?

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Mar 15, 2009

Lazy Sunday

So, today is day two of my spring break. The wind is howling and dinner (Tequila Lime Chicken) is in the crockpot. And I am recovering from day one, lol. Yesterday I took a trip down to the Sacramento area with my mother and Lizzie. We started at 8:30 and our first stop was this HUGE Joann's. I have never been in a Joann's with such a selection. And having everything in stock! No empty shelves. It was awesome! I got a couple of stacks and some stickers for the kidlet, lol. Then we went to Chick-fil-a for a terrific lunch. I had forgotten how yummy they were! So after getting full on chicken sandwiches and waffle fries, we headed to Scrapbook Station. I loved all their die cuts.

Our next stop was Green Tangerines. OMG! I was pretty sure I'd been killed on the freeway and had just walked into scrapbook heaven. The store is huge! They have everything and then some. I wish I'd had my camera with me. My mother could have captured my expression of awe coupled with the drool dripping out fo my mouth, lol. I could have spent all day just playing in there. They had paper, embellishments, Primas, chipboard and OH my Heavens! The Thickers! Every color and font and cute little patterns. I could have dropped a bunch of money on those alone. I'm probably going to sign up for their monthly kit and I definately plan of visiting again very, very soon! :)

Finally, we visited Ikea for the first time. Again, the look of awe and drool kicked in. This where I spent entirely too much money. I bought dressers for the girls, and more organizational stuff for the scraproom, lol.

I got this system with some little bottles for something. Not sure what though. And I have to paint it white to match, lol

I got 4 of each of these. The black metal strips and the metal containers with clear lids I'm thinking to put primas in. The 4pack of jars goes with the spice rack above. And the glass jars are going on a shelf to store embellishments.

These hooks go on a line and will clip things up, like projects or pictures or whatever. I gotta figure out how to use this. I didn't buy the line, but I think I can figure something out. ;)

So I am definately planning another trip, once I'm gainfully employed again and I'm going to actually make a list this time, so I don't forget what I came for. Yep. I did that, lol. But I totally love Ikea. I will be back.

Alrighty, I'm gonna go put my treasures away and check on dinner. I get the little kids back in an hour and a half, and I have to bathe them and get them ready for school tomorrow. So much for spring "break" huh?

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Mar 10, 2009

While I am supposed to doing homework....

I am not, lol. I stopped researching to eat and got sucked into a show about "The Curse of the Lottery". And of course, it got me to thinking. What would I do if I was handed $41M? Wow. The top 10 things:

1. Establish college and trust's for my children, my niece and nephews. I would definitely take care of them first.

2. Build a house. Not a god-awful 30,000 square foot mansion, but something that would suit a family of 5+ without us all being on top of each other. So probably 20,000 square feet. Just kidding. ;) And I would have my cousin design it. He's got real talent.

3. Take care of my mother. She deserves it. :) I might even provide a little for my other family members.

4. Clear up all my debt, all $40,000 of it.

5. Buy a car or two. Most definitely a green Ford Mustang, probably a convertible. And a tricked out Mini-Van or Tahoe, for the peeps.

6. I would set up the most Awesomest scraproom ever! LOL Perhaps even a scrap wing.

7. Travel. There are many places in the world I want to see, and lots of things I want to do. Besides I need something to scrapbook. ;)

8. Maybe a little cosmetic surgery. A nip, a tuck, a lift and some lipo, lol. But only after I spend time with a personal trainer and a nutritionist/cook.

9. Invest, invest, invest..... Make that money work for me.

10. Help out the community. There's a lot of good programs out there that need assistance.

So there's my fantasy for today. Now I'm going back to reality.

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