Aug 26, 2008

Hawaii here I come!

So Hawaii is booked, babysitting has been arranged and all that's left is 2-3 pairs of shorts and a bathing suit to be found. Whoo-hoo! Or should I say Aloha!? I absolutely cannot wait for this trip. It's one of those things that I desperately need in a very bad way. So 7day, 6nights of paradise is awaiting me. I'm gonna have to sell A LOT on eBay over the next week to pay for my "incidentals", such as adult beverages. ;) I'm debating on taking my laptop with me or waiting until I'm home to splash photos about the internet with wild abandon. Of course, more importantly, to do my um, homework. Yep, nerdy me will be hitting the textbooks if I can't get ahead before I leave. Good thing there is a long plane ride.

Anyway, I started getting my room organized this morning. I need to file desperately, and do a little more and then maybe I can surrender my hunny's desk back to him. Right now it's the only open space in the room, and it's slowly becoming cluttered by my stuff. *sigh* One day the packrat in me will die. I hope.

I went to the doctor today and my A1C's were lower than the last time! Yeah me! (A1c's are the standard measurement of blood glucose, giving doc an overall picture over a period of time.) The last time they were 8.7, or dangerously high. The last test was 7.8. Still high, but coming down, which means something is working. I got a new round of drugs to start taking and something for my icky infected finger. Keep your fingers crossed that it works. :)

Tomorrow I have my first Brownie Troop meeting. I still need to make some spreadsheets tomorrow and decide what small activity we will be doing. Probably some introduction games and a work sheet from the Her Story activity. I have cute little websites up for them, but they're password protected so you guys can't see 'em. Neener! I have to protect their privacy. But I sure wish you could. I'm already proud of them and I've only met a couple of them.

And tomorrow morning I'm going to see Lizzie play violin. Don't worry, I'll post a video. ;) That's after french toast and sausage for breakfast, which means that I need to be up at a decent time tomorrow. Bummer.

OHH!! And the big news! I have an interview for a job with the state next Thursday. OMG! It would be so awesome! I'd have to drive 45 mins or so each way, but I'd have a stable job, with benefits and retirement. Yep. I'm stoked. And I wouldn't even be able to consider it without the support of my man. He's so awesome! His willingness to help out with my kids is amazing. Even when they are being PITA's. As a matter of fact, I think I'll go "thank" him right now. he he....


Aug 25, 2008

What's going on in my lemony world...

Well, let's see. My classes started today. I logged on to my individual classes and wowzers! I'm going to be a busy girl. But this is what I want, right? LOL

I'm also trying to plan a trip to Hawaii. OMG! This is HARD! I don't know where to stay, I want an ocean view, I don't want to spend all my time traveling, and all that jazz. This is crazy. I have to book tonight! Eeekkk!! I've been online for 2 days trying to decide. If I could just settle on an hotel, that'd be a start. Oh well, I'll keep working on it.

I have a meeting with the speech pathologist at the school today to sign my son's IEP. He'll be starting speech once they come back from their break.

I'm trying to plan activities for my first Girl Scout meeting and make sure everyone knows to be there. I have to make all those phone calls tonight.

And tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment. I really don't want to know what she's gonna have to say about everything. I can't get anything to regulate in my body.

Oh, and since I'm going to Hawaii in about 3 weeks, I need to buy a swimsuit. Lucky me. ;)

Aug 23, 2008

One thing about me....

that no one knows. At least that's the challenge on 2peas. I can't think of anything about me that absolutely no one knows. And I'm sure that if I could, there's probably a reason that no one knows about it. ;) However, there are somethings that only one person knows. And it may not necessarily be the same person that knows everything. Only two people know that I have a real "blood" sister. I didn't even know about her until earlier this year. My dad "confessed" to me. She's older than me, but not by much. She's supposedly just like me, according to my dad. But then, he doesn't know me very well, so I take that with a grain of salt. Maybe I'll email dad tomorrow and ask her name. And google her. LOL There's my stalkerish side coming out again. I guess that's my confession. I mean, pretty much everybody knows that I'm divorced, that I've been cheated on in every relationship I've ever had, that I'm diabetic, that I filed bankruptcy and that I'm unemployed. I'm pretty much an open book. But then, I'm not good at keeping secrets.

So my classes start on Monday. I'm worried. But that is the nature of this beast. I worry about everything. I told my boyfriend I wanted to completely take over the office. He didn't respond. I wonder what that means? Seriously though, I have the grand visions of my "space". I want to throw my comfy chair in there with some soft pillows for a reading spot. I want to clean up my mess so I can actually function. I'm not happy with my desk. As a matter of fact, I think it sucks, now that I'm actually using it. I was happy as a clam with it before, but now, it's just not working for me. So anyway, my vision includes my reading spot, a functional desk, my storage being utilized to the fullest and bestest and my stuff that needs to be filed actually being filed away. I know, keep dreaming... I think that I'll bring it back up tomorrow. It doesn't hurt to ask. :)

Oh! My BFF is talking about going to Hawaii for her birthday and taking Moi! How rockin' would that be?!?!? She wants to go for about 6 days and just lay around drinking tropical drinks off cabana boys. ;) I'm totally down with that. With my job loss, my medical problems (and the issue of no insurance), my money worries and the pressure of school and scouts added to the mix, I could use a vacation. Seriously. I need to relax. A lot.

Tuesday I go to the doctor for blood test results. *sigh* I know they're not gonna be good. I just know it. My blood sugars are never steady and never even near the ballpark they're supposed to be in. And lately I get vertigo, which is the worst feeling ever. Add that to the fact that I cannot sleep, even with sleeping pills, and well... I'm a little wound. Last night I was able to sleep. At 7pm. My kids woke me up 4 times between 7pm and 9pm. So this wasn't restful, but stressful sleep. And I had dreams last night when I was sleeping that were just awful. Not like blood and gore nightmares, but things that could come true in real life, like my boyfriend leaving me, me going into the hospital, losing custody of my kids, etc... All the little worries that hang out in the back depths of my mind, just festering and waiting to present themselves. The worst was the one where I went crawling back to my ex, because I just couldn't make it without him. {shudder}

Okay, well then... now that I've gotten all downy dumps, I'm going to go read for a bit and try to fall asleep. My DD has a trip to San Fran in the morning with her baseball team to see the SF Giants play. We have to get up early for that. And I've got a full day of planning and calling parents and such for GS. Seems like I have something to do on Monday too.... Guess I should work on that appointment book, lol.

Aug 20, 2008

101 Things About Me! Thanks FairyQuadMother

This is my inspiration: Mz-cellaneous otherwise known as Fairyquadmother on 2Peas.

101 Things About Me
1. I’m a natural redhead.
2. I don’t like cold sodas.
3. I once lived above a bar.
4. I traveled across country on a Greyhound Bus.
5. Twice.
6. I really like beef jerky. A lot.
7. I have 3 kids.
8. I drive a mini-van
9. I’m a Girl Scout troop leader.
10. I like diet coke with lime.
11. And bud light with lime.
12. I like playing majong tiles.
13. And Pop-It.
14. I have a Torrid Diva Style card.
15. I only have one credit card.
16. I snore.
17. I’m a slob, but I’m trying to reform.
18. I like to shop for scrapbook stuff.
19. I love shopping for kids clothes.
20. I don’t like to cook.
21. But I like to eat.
22. I would drink coffee all day long if I could.
23. I’m diabetic.
24. I *heart* dark chocolate.
25. I *heart* Britney Spears.
26. I’m currently unemployed.
27. I wish I could stay that way.
28. My MP3 player has Bob Seger, Prince and FloRida on it.
29. I don’t sleep well.
30. I love my Nine West purse.
31. I don’t understand the obsession with expensive purses.
32. Or with David Beckham.
33. I wish my boyfriend would tell me he loves me.
34. I like to watch movies.
35. I cannot play video games. I lack the hand/eye coordination.
36. I like the color of my eyes when I’ve been crying.
37. I’m really into murder mysteries.
38. And true crime novels.
39. I don’t like to gamble because I used to be a slot tech and I know the machines are fixed.
40. I like to eat my cereal soggy.
41. I like to kiss.
42. I sleep on my side.
43. I like to wear high heels.
44. I cannot do just one thing at a time. I’m always multi-tasking.
45. I have two cats, Zero and Gypsy.
46. I have a Tinkerbell obsession that I try to blame on my daughter.
47. I want to buy a mustang for my next car.
48. I’ve been involved with Girl Scouts since 1981.
49. I like doing my taxes.
50. I wish I didn’t bite my nails.
51. I have a watermelon stuff collection.
52. I’d like to have a frog stuff collection.
53. I think Halloween is the best holiday ever.
54. And Christmas is a close second.
55. I love turkey, stuffing, mayo and cranberry sauce sandwiches.
56. I’m stubborn.
57. I speak my mind most of the time.
58. I’d like to go back in time and be a real southern belle.
59. I’m planning my next honeymoon, without a groom in mind, lol.
60. Oh, I’d like to get married again someday, just not today. Or tomorrow.
61. I have a jealous streak that just won’t quit.
62. I’m growing less fond of MySpace every day.
63. I’m afraid of heights
64. And snakes.
65. I like to watch Ghost Hunters.
66. I believe in ghosts.
67. I could be an organizational genius if I’d get off my butt and do it.
68. I spell check in my head.
69. I talk to myself constantly.
70. I’m not very good at interior decorating.
71. I don’t make my bed every morning.
72. I despise laundry.
73. I buy my shoes at Payless.
74. I love to dress up, but have no reason to.
75. I would love to have more friends to IM with.
76. I finally have a good relationship with my mom.
77. My ideal job is one where I work from home in my PJ’s.
78. My favorite color is spring green.
79. My second favorite color is bright pink.
80. I would wear flip flops all year long if I could.
81. I love boot cut jeans
82. But I wear capri’s 99% of the time, year round.
83. I wear a lot of tank tops. I own about 30 of them.
84. I don’t like to excerise.
85. I’ve seen Gone with the Wind so many times, I know it word for word.
86. I want to learn to knit and/or crochet.
87. I watch so many crime shows I think I could get away with it. LoL
88. I don’t like keeping secrets.
89. I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished so far.
90. I wish my dad was.
91. I miss my hometown.
92. I want to be a millionaire!
93. I’m not ashamed of my bankruptcy. I learned from it.
94. I want long hair, but I cut it every summer.
95. I love BBQ chicken pizza with ranch dressing.
96. And Bully’s cheese fries with BBQ sauce.
97. I’m addicted to low-carb Monsters.
98. And Atkins chocolate shakes.
99. I balance my checkbook to the penny, because I like to, not because I have to.
100. I like to send my man love notes via email.
101. I am finally happy, after all these years. 

It's like Christmas in August! :)

I came home from a very hectic day and opened my mailbox to reveal:

My Jar Of Whimsy from carojim on 2Peas! OMG! So.freaking.cute! Look at what all was inside!

I cannot wait to play with it all! I'm going to finish cleaning up and lock myself in my room in just a few to get into it. I just thought I would share really quick.

Aug 15, 2008

This is my cell phone in rice in a ziplock bag. Why? Because they are apparently allergic to milk, lol. My sweetie was trying to toss me my cell phone and it landed in a cup of milk that was in my lap. You know, between the legs because I have been too cheap to buy end tables. I quickly dried it off and it was suggested that I place it in a bag of rice to absorb the moisture. So there it sits. And I am throughly depressed. And mourning. My phone is an extension of me. Okay, more like an appendage. I feel naked and vunerable without it. Sad, huh? I found out that my deductible on my replacement plan is $110. To upgrade to a new different phone looks to be about the same. Neither of which I can afford at the moment, being jobless and all. So I'll try to put it back together in the morning and pray to the powers that be that it works. If not, I'm selling one of the kids.
  This is my sweetie. He feels guilty. Perhaps I'll use that to my advantage. he he....

So tomorrow is busy busy busy.... I have to drop the kids off at 8am and go to the campus bookstore at 9am. I want to try to get the ISBN # off the books I need to see if I can get them cheaper than the bookstore sells them for. I only have $875 from the Pell Grant to use for books, a graphing calculator, Microsoft Office, and to pay off as much of this laptop as possible. Then, I have to finish the baby card (print a quote), decorate my whimsy jar, and be at at baby shower by 5pm. And somewhere in all of that I need to make my way to the T-mobile store and see about replacing my phone if it doesn't work. (I don't have high hopes) Sunday looks better for me. Nothing to do until 5pm when I pick up the little ones. I might sleep in and request a pancake breakfast. I can dream at least.

Lizzie asked if her cousin could stay the night tomorrow since we'll all be meeting at the baby shower tomorrow. That'd mean I'd have 3-4 10 & 11 year old girls in the house. Yeah me! I guess they could have a slumber party and take over the living room. I'll be hiding in my bedroom regardless of where they're camped out, lol.

And somewhere over this weekend I need to convince my hunny that the room that we designated for an office/scrapbook room should be mine and mine alone. He keeps hinting that he wants to be able to get in there and well, there's just not room for him. I have A LOT of stuff. And I'm not really keen on straightening up in there. It's my mess and I love it. And I have to remind the kids that there are 2 additional ways into the garage aside from tramping thru that room. I'm afraid somebody's gonna get hurt. Especially when I kill them for bending another sheet of Bazzill.

Monday I am deep cleaning the house. I already have it planned. I have to get up at 5am to start in my bathroom and bedroom. We're severely cluttered in this house at the moment. Not nearly as bad as the two houses I saw on TV this morning, but enough that I'm concerned. I want to spend one whole day fixing inside the house and one whole day fixing the garage. Then one more day eBaying, and garage sale pricing. Hopefully, in two weeks I can have a garage sale. I have to give myself two weeks 'cause I tend to get off track from my well laid plans.

Alright, well I'm off to find interesting stuff to read until I fall asleep. If I find anything super cool, I'll post it here and share. 'Cause I'm cool like that. ;)
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Aug 14, 2008

Can it be?

What's this you see? It's my scrappin' mess!!! Whoo-hoo! Yep, I scrapped yesterday. I made a card for a baby shower and started a pirate princess chipboard book. How do you like me now?

And, there's my whimsy jar all full and ready to mail. I just have to get off my butt and take it to the post office. Oh yeah, and decorate it. Oops.... almost forgot.

So, I had an interview today. I was so nervous. And I had sweaty palms. Ick!!! Sick I really don't know how it went. I mean, I think it was okay, but I know I rambled on. The interviewer indicated that my salary requirement was within their range. I guess I just get to wait and see. This is only my first interview since being laid off. If it's meant to be, it will happen. If not, well... bummer.

This afternoon, I scolded my boyfriend's kid for the first time. She was picking on my oldest and I wasn't in the room. (of course) My daughter came in and told me what was happening and I told her to tell BF's kid to knock it off. Well, BF's kid said "No". Wrong. So I told her that she was going to stop picking on DD, that it was going to stop now, and that I was tired of it. Her dad came home, and she was crying. She's not used to not getting away with it. But I'm sick of it. I vowed to not be "that" step-mom, you know, the EVIL one. Looks like I'm gonna break that vow. It's tricky this step-parenting stuff. I've tried to give leeway b/c of the only child thing. But if you give an inch, they take a mile. And it seems as if my kids are constantly in trouble, but that somebody else walks on water. Well, it's gonna have to be all or nothing. I can't keep allowing double standards. *sigh* Why can't it just be easy peasy?

Well, it's 10 o'clock. Time for Burn Notice. And tomorrow I get to go to Costco. Yipee! And cut up a dozen apples in the morning for snack. Yeah me! I really wanted to get pre-cut apples. But wouldn't you know it, Walmart didn't have them. And it was 101 degrees today. I really didn't want to look anywhere else. So I'm sending freshly cut apples and mickey mouse shaped cheese for snack tomorrow. Next time, it's Uncrustables! LOL G'nite!

Aug 11, 2008

I'm a schoolgirl again!!

*giggle* I'm a college student again! I just put the final touches on my class schedule. All of my classes are online and only one has on campus testing. I spent the day trying to figure out what classes I needed to take to transfer to UNR. (Go WolfPack!!) Right now I'm a TMCC Tumbleweed. Okay, they're not called the Tumbleweeds. Thats the name of the fictitious football team we made up 11 years ago when I was on the student newspaper. I got an Associates degree back in 2002, but I want to finish my Bachelors before I die, so I'm starting again.
I have to buy my books next week. Egads! They are so freaking expensive! Classes were $788.00 and books (+ a TI84 calculator) are just as much. And one class doesn't require books!! Oh well.... it will all be worth it in the end.

Tomorrow, I have to start working on a rough schedule for Girl Scouts. I'm going to do a troop for Brownies and Juniors. I've been trying to figure out how to do a website/blog that's private so I can do updates and photos and such. I've been checking around to find one and I'm not coming up with anything.
But I am gonna keep trying. I've got to work on figuring out what we want to do and how much it's gonna cost. And I've got to plan on badges. And get a cookie mom. And set up bank accounts. Sheesh! A girl should get paid for this. It's like a full time job.

I still don't have any prospects. Why do I feel like I'm gonna get screwed in the end? Seriously? This is my last comfortable month. Next month I'm going to have to start selling plasma or something. No, I think I'll start with scrapbook stuff and go downhill from there. Maybe I'll sell the kids.
I have to start worrying about insurance since my ex isn't working either and his insurance runs out at the end of the month. I'm actually going to have to apply for food stamps and medicaid. Can you tell that I really hate this? I don't like not working. I can't even let myself relax. I know I'll get a job. But the wait is killing me.

Anyway, I'm gonna take my depressed self to bed. I have ambitions and goals for tomorrow morning so I need to be bright eyed and bushy tailed. :)

Aug 6, 2008

Sally Homemaker I'm Not

I am starting to get BORED with being at home. I have never ever been good at it. It's not that I can't stay busy, it's just the things I would be busy with just aren't that enjoyable. Now, I could for sure just hang out and pet my pretty scrapbook things, but that always makes me feel guilty. Why? Because I don't ever feel like I've done enough of the "stuff" I hate. I really try to keep reminding myself that cleaning the house while the kids live here is like shoveling while it's still snowing...pointless. Doesn't make me feel any less guilty. I cooked pork, did laundry, and baked cookies. And I cleaned up my mess in my scrapbook room.
One of these days I'll get a job, I hope...

Aug 3, 2008

Organizing, wishing and a little sluggish today.

I am on an organizing roll this weekend. Although today I haven't been moving very fast today. My friend and I were out until the wee hours of the morning, pretending that we were 21 again. The reality of being 34 has certainly sunk in for me today though. ;) Anyway, I have decided that I am going to start sorting EVERYTHING in my scrapdungeon. (hehe, it's my new nickname for my room....the lighting stinks) I'm going to try to get all alike items together so I can find things easily. I found stuff today that I didn't even know I had. That's a sign that I've gone a little overboard. So I'm going to work on more paper holders and something to hold all the pens and markers I've accumulated.
And since I'm feeling like a slow slug, I've been perusing the internet. I decided to make my wishlist of things I want:
This Paper Trimmer:

The Crop-a-Dile Big Bite:

An OTT Light

The list could go on and on. I'll have to add to it as I think about it. But those are my definite wants at the moment. Maybe once I get a J-O-B. Speaking of which, I wasn't able to file my unemployment claim. Apparently what they told me last week was a lie. They did close my claim when the reported my bonus. Which is now questionable as to whether they should have even reported it. So I get to spend another wonderful Monday on the phone with them. And I have to go to an interview with them tomorrow. It's like it never ends. Maybe something will get settled tomorrow. And Tinkerbell exists and drops pixie dust on my head while I'm sleeping.

Anyway, my chicken wings are on their way. Yummy! I've been craving them all day. So I am going to go get everything ready for tomorrow and ear my dinner. G'nite!

Aug 2, 2008

Breaking the Law.... Breaking the Law......

*giggle* I can't help myself. I had a little trollie tell me that I was breaking the law by recycling. I used a few USED priority mail boxes to make these:

These are to hold my patterned paper. I plan on making more once I get more stuff in. Recycling is fun! :)

Anyway, I am headed out for the evening. I think I need a night out.

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