Dec 30, 2008

So this was my post 1 year ago, with all my resolutions. *Sigh* I didn't fully keep one, but most were with good cause.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

I know I said no resolutions, but I changed my mind.

I've been giving it some thought and I decided to do resolutions this year. I don't remember what I did last year.

#1~ Spend more quality time with my kids. I want to find some fun activities to do with them. I'm so tired of being the one who has school, homework, housework and general "mean mom" stuff. We get about 3 hours a night together and I want to make the most of it. *** We did work on this. I'm the scout leader for the girls and I tried to find a cub scout troop for my little guy. This one is carrying over into the new year. I actually have a plan this time!***

#2~ I have to start going to gym again. No just for the usual I need to lose weight spcheel. I need to exercise to help control my diabetes. I've been feeling like crap and I know its due to out of control blood sugars. So, its time to do something about it. Besides, I don't actually have to pay for it, since my apartments have a gym. :)***Well, I did not do anything about this one. Nada. I did walk with the girls at work on our breaks, but that was it. We moved out of the apartment and I never joined a gym. This is still on my list.***

#3~ It's time to take control of my diabetes. I need to take my meds as prescribed, check my blood sugars 3X a day like I'm supposed to, and I need to research diabetic cooking and change my eating habits. I know I can do better than I have been. ***I did change my cooking and eating habits a little. And I do take my meds like I'm supposed to. I don't check my sugars like I should because I don't have insurance to pay for the testing supplies. ***

#4~ Organize and Prioritize. There are a lot of things going on in my life and I need to start keeping a schedule. I don't want or need anymore surprise dentist visits, missed birth control appointments, or things like that. Being organized will help with that too, because I won't waste as much time searching for the things I need. ***I did really well with this one. I made my own planner with space for what I needed, no cookie cutter planners for this girl! And I've really tweaked the planner pages for the upcoming year. ***

#5~ Stay in control of my finances. I filed bankruptcy for a reason. Now I need to keep it under control. I'm going to develop a budget, start a savings account, pay my bills on time and keep my debt low (like just my car payment and ONE credit card). Savings goal: $1200 for the year. More would be even better. *** Well, losing my job put a real crimp in this plan. I was doing great before I was laid off. I've still managed to keep my payments on my bills on time (for the most part) and budget my meger income. I have some tweaks on this one this year, and I think it's gonna work. ***

#6~ Scrapbook more. I have tons and tons of stuff. And I just don't. I see so many inspirations and I forget them as soon as they're out of sight. My first project is going to be an idea journal. I gotta start somewhere, right? And I'm going to work on some of the challenges I see on the MB's. There is so much inspiration there it's unreal. Goal: 6 projects per month with only $20 spending per month. ***Didn't get to far with this one. I managed to buy more stuff, but I didn't really make too much.***

#7- Spend less time on the computer. And spend more time reading. I made a list of authors about 4 months ago, and I haven't even started looking up their books at the library yet. And I need to find a place to look for new authors. My goal is one book every two weeks, so about 26 over the year. *** I read a bunch of books, but I don't think there were quite 26. At least 10. I'm still spending way too much time on the computer, but again.... I have a plan, lol. ***

So there you have it. My so-called resolutions for 2008, lol. Let's see what sticks.

Well, that's where I stand on 12/31/08, lol. I didn't do too bad, but it wasn't all that good either. Oh well, next year I'll be better. I swear! :)

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The Greedy's on December 31, 2008 at 10:26 AM said...

Don't be shy about sending your planner pages this way. I could really use something that works. I HATE those store bought pages too. Keep up the good work!!!

Jen Mc on January 2, 2009 at 5:39 PM said...

Happy New Year! Those sound like good goals... :)
Hope you had a wonderful holiday season.

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