Apr 21, 2009

Whiney whine whine.....

Yeah, you heard me. I'm whining. Today has been....frustrating to say it best.

*I went to a chiropractor this morning. Guess who's out of alignment? Yeppers. So now I get to spend lots n' lots of money getting realigned. They kept pushing me to bring my kidlets and get them looked at. Ummmm..... no. I can't afford my own treatment, much less treatment for my "still growing" children. The #1 reason I hate chiro's. They can work wonders, but it's really not necessary to involve my entire family.

*I may not be attending college next semester. I'm okay with that, except it's not really my choice. Financial aid is giving me a hard time because they changed the rules about the percentage of classes that you can drop without it affecting your financial aid. It has gone from 75% to 67% AND they are including ALL classes from the beginning of your collegate career. So for me, they are including all the classes I dropped out of when I was a teenager (and dumb), from when I was attacked by a dog, and from when I gave birth and missed finals. All of which are from over 11 years ago. Yeah. I can't use the classes I passed towards my degree, but the ones I dropped count against me now. Lovely. I get to file an appeal. Great. Red tape. Love it.

and another thing, I cannot enroll for a class that I was just enrolled in last semester. I took a math class online and realized that online was not for me. I need to have a class that I attend so I can "get" it. So I tried to register. No go. The reason? They changed the friggin' requirements to get in the class. Now I have to take a placement test. And the testing center is open M-F 9am - 3:30pm. No evenings, no weekends. Isn't that special? It's a community college. Just who do they think is attending? Hmmm.....people with jobs, perhaps? So I get to figure out how exactly I can take off work to take a test so I can take a class I've already qualified to get into to. (My brain hurts)

*I got a collection notice about a hospital bill that for some reason Blue Cross can't get paid. I have been trying to figure out something since July of last year. And I finally talked to the hospital and found out they didn't apply the payments I'd sent to the bill, they applied them to a bill from 1996. Yep. 6 years past the statute of limitations to collect AND included in bankruptcy. The guy I spoke to said they would fix the payments and send me a revised bill and I said if they'd do that, I'd just pay it. Nope. They sent it to collections for the original amount. They never applied those payments. So, I get to get on the phone with all involved parties. I hate dealing with this. I'm ready to say screw it and let it be in collections. I'm not trying to get any credit any time soon. And it's a medical bill, overlooked by most banks. I'm tired of dealing with incompetency on both ends.

And my last whine, I cannot scrap. It hurts too much to reach for stuff. :( I'm bummed. I had time and motivation tonight up until I tried to grab something and had a pain shoot up my back. Hopefully I am better by the weekend. *sigh*

I guess my whines are really dumb all things considered. I should just be counting my blessings i guess.

I got an update from my friend's cousin. My friend Teri is okay physically, but I imagine she's going through some terrible things emotionally. Her daughter Gracie, is getting better and has been moved out of ICU and Em is walking, despite the broken hip and pelvis. If they keep improving they'll be moved to Reno soon. I saw a picture of their car, and it's a miracle they survived. I'm hoping to send them some teddy bears via the gift shop tomorrow. And they still need prayers, so keep 'em coming. (It's working)

Okay, I am going to bed. I have another chiro appt in the morning and then it's work all day. I think I get paid tomorrow. Or maybe it's Thursday. Either way, it'll be nice.


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