Well, to meet the $50 I bought a couple of cool things. #1 - A white pigment ink stamp pad or as SU calls it : Craft Stampin Pad - Whisper White. For the record, this is totally AWESOME! I don't have a lot of experience stamping, but I have tried to stamp white on a dark color, like black. I never had a lot of success. This stamp pad changed that for me. I used it last night and I'm in love with an ink pad. Go figure.

Speaking of which, I SCRAPPED!! Yes, yes, I did. My son's teacher is expecting her first baby next week and they had a shower this afternoon for her. I stayed up until the wee hours of the morning making this little album:
The part that took the longest was waiting for that white ink to dry, but man, it was fun to play again. His teacher loved it by the way and thought I should try selling them. Maybe once I've improved my technique. But hey, craft fairs happen a lot around here. So maybe......
Alright I should try going to sleep. I don't sleep well all alone, and its starting to show. Plus I have 5 kids here tonight that I have to get up with and feed in the morning. I'm babysitting the neighbor kids. So I guess I'll shut the laptop down and try for some shut eye. Oh! Before I go, I guess I can show a pic of my chopped off hair. I got it cut this past week. It was buggin' me be so long. The girl at the salon cut it too short, but that's the way it goes. It's hard to judge curly hair like mine. Anyway, what do you think?
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