This has to be the worst birthday in my entire life. How's that for an opening line? Well, it's sad, but true. I didn't get a birthday card. Not one. Well, scratch that, I got some virtual cards on Facebook, so I guess technically those are cards. My boyfriend is out of town on work. Sure he called me and texted me and such, but he's not here to hold me or tickle me or whatever. So that in itself stinks. My kids were well, my kids. Obnoxious. I love the little boogers, but for just one day, I'd like to have peace in my home. *sigh* My mom called me today and said happy birthday, then without taking a breath, asked me to do things for my brother. My dad didn't even call. I got a chance to have a drink with Jaima, but that was cut short because of the kids.
And now, I'm sitting here trying to go to sleep and I realized that I haven't gotten a phone call from one of the sixteen kids invited to my son & daughter's birthday party. Today was the RSVP date. :( So now I'm sad and mad all rolled up into one. I'm sad because we've made the effort to attend parties for other classmates. Even when the weather was bad, we still did it. But for some reason my kids are social lepers. When we first moved in, they were friends with the neighbor kids. They played a lot over there. Then out of nowhere, the kids were always sick. They were at school, but afterwards, they were too sick to play. And the mom goes out of her way to avoid me. I've tried to say hello when I see her and she literally side steps me. I don't know what I did. Personally, if it was just about me I wouldn't care. But it's about my kids and the momma bear in me is starting to growl. So, anyway, not one parent called to confirm for the party. And I'm left without the $88 that I really had to scrape together to pay for said party. That's what makes me mad. I wasn't going to worry about a party. But I wanted to have one just because we've been to so many, I didn't want anyone judging the kiddos because they weren't invited to the party we didn't have. (Does that make sense?) Unless I get some late calls, it's going to be just the 6 of us, plus my mom, brother and nephew. We could have done that at home.
Hey, anybody reading this want to bring your kids to an indoor pool party? Jan. 3rd. I have 12 open spots. **BIG SIGH**
I guess now would be a good time to end my crappy birthday. I'm going to bed.
Hello Monday
or, there's only 11 Mondays to 2025
Hello October.
Next to the colourful leaves of June in Melbourne, October is my favourite
season in Queensland. (Bec...
4 months ago
Oh I'm so sorry to hear that your birthday wasn't what you were hoping for - Happy Belated! Hope some kids show up for the party!
Awww, poor baby. I've had birthdays like that, no fun at all. I say take today and pretend it's your birthday and do whatever YOU want.
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