So this morning turned out to be interesting. I got up around 4:30, made coffee, took a shower, got the kids up and dressed, ate breakfast, warmed up the car, and left the house. Then I proceeded to fishtail when I turned off my street, correct myself and continue on. I made it to the round-about and my car didn't go round, it went sideways. Up on the sidewalk, into the rocks and into a pole. Yeah me. After missing a day of work, a new set of snow tires and an alignment, my day ended up costing me about $800. Sweet!!!! *sigh* But I now have supposedly awesome snow tires, Bridgeston Blizzaks. We'll see how well they actually do.
I'm all ready for Christmas. Everything is bought, everything is wrapped and I am not cooking dinner, lol. The kids' will be happy. My hunny will be happy. And I'll be resting over the weekend. It's all good. :)
Right now I am burning a recording of my niece's Christmas dance recital to DVD for my mom. I love being the technogeek of the family. I get all the cool gifts and I get all the requests for assistance. I was thinking about changing my major from accounting to computers/IT. I know I could do it. We'll see, I have to finish my core requirements anyway.
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