This is my cell phone in rice in a ziplock bag. Why? Because they are apparently allergic to milk, lol. My sweetie was trying to toss me my cell phone and it landed in a cup of milk that was in my lap. You know, between the legs because I have been too cheap to buy end tables. I quickly dried it off and it was suggested that I place it in a bag of rice to absorb the moisture. So there it sits. And I am throughly depressed. And mourning. My phone is an extension of me. Okay, more like an appendage. I feel naked and vunerable without it. Sad, huh? I found out that my deductible on my replacement plan is $110. To upgrade to a new different phone looks to be about the same. Neither of which I can afford at the moment, being jobless and all. So I'll try to put it back together in the morning and pray to the powers that be that it works. If not, I'm selling one of the kids.
So tomorrow is busy busy busy.... I have to drop the kids off at 8am and go to the campus bookstore at 9am. I want to try to get the ISBN # off the books I need to see if I can get them cheaper than the bookstore sells them for. I only have $875 from the Pell Grant to use for books, a graphing calculator, Microsoft Office, and to pay off as much of this laptop as possible. Then, I have to finish the baby card (print a quote), decorate my whimsy jar, and be at at baby shower by 5pm. And somewhere in all of that I need to make my way to the T-mobile store and see about replacing my phone if it doesn't work. (I don't have high hopes) Sunday looks better for me. Nothing to do until 5pm when I pick up the little ones. I might sleep in and request a pancake breakfast. I can dream at least.
Lizzie asked if her cousin could stay the night tomorrow since we'll all be meeting at the baby shower tomorrow. That'd mean I'd have 3-4 10 & 11 year old girls in the house. Yeah me! I guess they could have a slumber party and take over the living room. I'll be hiding in my bedroom regardless of where they're camped out, lol.
And somewhere over this weekend I need to convince my hunny that the room that we designated for an office/scrapbook room should be mine and mine alone. He keeps hinting that he wants to be able to get in there and well, there's just not room for him. I have A LOT of stuff. And I'm not really keen on straightening up in there. It's my mess and I love it. And I have to remind the kids that there are 2 additional ways into the garage aside from tramping thru that room. I'm afraid somebody's gonna get hurt. Especially when I kill them for bending another sheet of Bazzill.
Monday I am deep cleaning the house. I already have it planned. I have to get up at 5am to start in my bathroom and bedroom. We're severely cluttered in this house at the moment. Not nearly as bad as the two houses I saw on TV this morning, but enough that I'm concerned. I want to spend one whole day fixing inside the house and one whole day fixing the garage. Then one more day eBaying, and garage sale pricing. Hopefully, in two weeks I can have a garage sale. I have to give myself two weeks 'cause I tend to get off track from my well laid plans.
Alright, well I'm off to find interesting stuff to read until I fall asleep. If I find anything super cool, I'll post it here and share. 'Cause I'm cool like that. ;)
I hope your phone is ok. Eeek...
Hope your weekend was wonderful!
(visiting from Peas)
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