This is my inspiration: Mz-cellaneous otherwise known as Fairyquadmother on 2Peas.
101 Things About Me
1. I’m a natural redhead.
2. I don’t like cold sodas.
3. I once lived above a bar.
4. I traveled across country on a Greyhound Bus.
5. Twice.
6. I really like beef jerky. A lot.
7. I have 3 kids.
8. I drive a mini-van
9. I’m a Girl Scout troop leader.
10. I like diet coke with lime.
11. And bud light with lime.
12. I like playing majong tiles.
13. And Pop-It.
14. I have a Torrid Diva Style card.
15. I only have one credit card.
16. I snore.
17. I’m a slob, but I’m trying to reform.
18. I like to shop for scrapbook stuff.
19. I love shopping for kids clothes.
20. I don’t like to cook.
21. But I like to eat.
22. I would drink coffee all day long if I could.
23. I’m diabetic.
24. I *heart* dark chocolate.
25. I *heart* Britney Spears.
26. I’m currently unemployed.
27. I wish I could stay that way.
28. My MP3 player has Bob Seger, Prince and FloRida on it.
29. I don’t sleep well.
30. I love my Nine West purse.
31. I don’t understand the obsession with expensive purses.
32. Or with David Beckham.
33. I wish my boyfriend would tell me he loves me.
34. I like to watch movies.
35. I cannot play video games. I lack the hand/eye coordination.
36. I like the color of my eyes when I’ve been crying.
37. I’m really into murder mysteries.
38. And true crime novels.
39. I don’t like to gamble because I used to be a slot tech and I know the machines are fixed.
40. I like to eat my cereal soggy.
41. I like to kiss.
42. I sleep on my side.
43. I like to wear high heels.
44. I cannot do just one thing at a time. I’m always multi-tasking.
45. I have two cats, Zero and Gypsy.
46. I have a Tinkerbell obsession that I try to blame on my daughter.
47. I want to buy a mustang for my next car.
48. I’ve been involved with Girl Scouts since 1981.
49. I like doing my taxes.
50. I wish I didn’t bite my nails.
51. I have a watermelon stuff collection.
52. I’d like to have a frog stuff collection.
53. I think Halloween is the best holiday ever.
54. And Christmas is a close second.
55. I love turkey, stuffing, mayo and cranberry sauce sandwiches.
56. I’m stubborn.
57. I speak my mind most of the time.
58. I’d like to go back in time and be a real southern belle.
59. I’m planning my next honeymoon, without a groom in mind, lol.
60. Oh, I’d like to get married again someday, just not today. Or tomorrow.
61. I have a jealous streak that just won’t quit.
62. I’m growing less fond of MySpace every day.
63. I’m afraid of heights
64. And snakes.
65. I like to watch Ghost Hunters.
66. I believe in ghosts.
67. I could be an organizational genius if I’d get off my butt and do it.
68. I spell check in my head.
69. I talk to myself constantly.
70. I’m not very good at interior decorating.
71. I don’t make my bed every morning.
72. I despise laundry.
73. I buy my shoes at Payless.
74. I love to dress up, but have no reason to.
75. I would love to have more friends to IM with.
76. I finally have a good relationship with my mom.
77. My ideal job is one where I work from home in my PJ’s.
78. My favorite color is spring green.
79. My second favorite color is bright pink.
80. I would wear flip flops all year long if I could.
81. I love boot cut jeans
82. But I wear capri’s 99% of the time, year round.
83. I wear a lot of tank tops. I own about 30 of them.
84. I don’t like to excerise.
85. I’ve seen Gone with the Wind so many times, I know it word for word.
86. I want to learn to knit and/or crochet.
87. I watch so many crime shows I think I could get away with it. LoL
88. I don’t like keeping secrets.
89. I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished so far.
90. I wish my dad was.
91. I miss my hometown.
92. I want to be a millionaire!
93. I’m not ashamed of my bankruptcy. I learned from it.
94. I want long hair, but I cut it every summer.
95. I love BBQ chicken pizza with ranch dressing.
96. And Bully’s cheese fries with BBQ sauce.
97. I’m addicted to low-carb Monsters.
98. And Atkins chocolate shakes.
99. I balance my checkbook to the penny, because I like to, not because I have to.
100. I like to send my man love notes via email.
101. I am finally happy, after all these years.
Hello Monday
or, there's only 11 Mondays to 2025
Hello October.
Next to the colourful leaves of June in Melbourne, October is my favourite
season in Queensland. (Bec...
4 months ago
Fun list!
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