So Hawaii is booked, babysitting has been arranged and all that's left is 2-3 pairs of shorts and a bathing suit to be found. Whoo-hoo! Or should I say Aloha!? I absolutely cannot wait for this trip. It's one of those things that I desperately need in a very bad way. So 7day, 6nights of paradise is awaiting me. I'm gonna have to sell A LOT on eBay over the next week to pay for my "incidentals", such as adult beverages. ;) I'm debating on taking my laptop with me or waiting until I'm home to splash photos about the internet with wild abandon. Of course, more importantly, to do my um, homework. Yep, nerdy me will be hitting the textbooks if I can't get ahead before I leave. Good thing there is a long plane ride.
Anyway, I started getting my room organized this morning. I need to file desperately, and do a little more and then maybe I can surrender my hunny's desk back to him. Right now it's the only open space in the room, and it's slowly becoming cluttered by my stuff. *sigh* One day the packrat in me will die. I hope.
I went to the doctor today and my A1C's were lower than the last time! Yeah me! (A1c's are the standard measurement of blood glucose, giving doc an overall picture over a period of time.) The last time they were 8.7, or dangerously high. The last test was 7.8. Still high, but coming down, which means something is working. I got a new round of drugs to start taking and something for my icky infected finger. Keep your fingers crossed that it works. :)
Tomorrow I have my first Brownie Troop meeting. I still need to make some spreadsheets tomorrow and decide what small activity we will be doing. Probably some introduction games and a work sheet from the Her Story activity. I have cute little websites up for them, but they're password protected so you guys can't see 'em. Neener! I have to protect their privacy. But I sure wish you could. I'm already proud of them and I've only met a couple of them.
And tomorrow morning I'm going to see Lizzie play violin. Don't worry, I'll post a video. ;) That's after french toast and sausage for breakfast, which means that I need to be up at a decent time tomorrow. Bummer.
OHH!! And the big news! I have an interview for a job with the state next Thursday. OMG! It would be so awesome! I'd have to drive 45 mins or so each way, but I'd have a stable job, with benefits and retirement. Yep. I'm stoked. And I wouldn't even be able to consider it without the support of my man. He's so awesome! His willingness to help out with my kids is amazing. Even when they are being PITA's. As a matter of fact, I think I'll go "thank" him right now. he he....
Hello Monday
or, there's only 11 Mondays to 2025
Hello October.
Next to the colourful leaves of June in Melbourne, October is my favourite
season in Queensland. (Bec...
4 months ago