This past week has been, well... life altering. I got my divorce on Wednesday, Feb 13th. I'm so glad it's done and over. My ex wasn't there, so I got what I asked for. Not that I was asking for a lot, and honestly, I'm not looking forward to the conflict when I show up to pick it up. The jackass just can't be civil and take it like a man. No, he's got to become the low life son of a bitch loser that leaves me rejoicing in the decision to divorce him. If it weren't for the kids and their "stuff", I wouldn't bother. The less I see of him the better. He's all whiney about everything, and well, I just don't care. I spent years telling him what needed to change, telling him I was unhappy, and waiting. I just took the high road (somewhat) and told him that hopefully he's learned how to treat his next, girlfriend/wife. At least I managed to keep him from having any more kids to not give a crap about. And he'll tell me that he does care about them, but actions speak louder than words. Refusal to take ANY job available to pay child support, refusal to move closer to where the kids are living because he'd rather "own" some piece of crap shack he can't afford to begin with, and choosing floozies over them, well... I guess he can talk to me when he's made the sacrifices I have.
Okay so more ex bashing for the moment. It's been a great couple of weeks for me on eBay. I haven't had the desire to scrap in quite a while (although I still have the desire to SHOP). So, I've been selling my "excess" supplies on eBay. I have all kinds of stuff left to list. But I'm so not in the mood. And part of me wants to list certain items and then the small me inside starts babbling about the possibility that sometime in the future I may "need" said items. Like my Creative Memories cutting system. I haven't used that since Sept 2006, yet I cannot part with it. And that damn Wishblade. I don't even have it hooked up. Haven't since Nov 2006 and I can't remember the last time I used it. Oh wait, I take that back. I cut out 500 tiny footballs for my mother last summer. I'm trying to use the theory that if I haven't used it in 6 months or more, its gone. But that would be EVERYTHING. So my goal for tomorrow is to make at least 1 layout. I have so many pictures and so many ideas and my brain gets overwhelmed and I just don't. But I'm gonna tomorrow, by golly.
So last night I watched 23 with Jim Carrey. It wasn't bad. My BF had said something about it being scary, and I hadn't watched it yet because of that. But last night I was home alone, cleaning the kids' bedroom, and I popped it in their DVD player for background noise. It didn't draw me in to the point that I stopped what I was doing, but it was did get my half hearted attention. There were some twists that kept it entertaining, and some scenes were great. I'd definitely recommend it if you need a movie one night.
I'm still reading Rhett Butlers People. It's so long, but it's interesting. I wish I had an entire day to spend cuddled up in bed with my book and my chocolate covered pretzels. That's a helluva wish huh? Too bad I'm diabetic, lol. Maybe since it's still early, I can read another chapter or two. I'm on page 250. Guess I should make a bookmark for myself tomorrow, huh? It's not like I don't have the stuff to do it.
Alright, I'm going to go read. Sure, there's plenty of stuff to do, but you know what? It's a holiday tomorrow and we'll all be home to get the housework done. Maybe I'll escape to the laundromat early in the a.m. since our dryer SUX. But then I did promise smiley face pancakes at IHop for breakfast. That sounds better than laundry any day.
Hello Monday
or, there's only 11 Mondays to 2025
Hello October.
Next to the colourful leaves of June in Melbourne, October is my favourite
season in Queensland. (Bec...
4 months ago
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