Has my mojo gone? Perhaps its buried beneath the piles and piles of supplies I've accumulated over the last 5 or 6 years. I CANNOT get motivated. Correction, I cannot find my desk top. I have so much stuff I can't even think! So today, I started going thru my supplies and deciding what I could live without. I managed to list 15 auctions on eBay. (yeah!!) They aren't showing up yet in searches, but I listed patterned paper lots, and creative memories albums. This is my auctiva thing I haven't figured out yet, lol http://www.auctiva.com/stores/viewstore2.aspx?id=544315&page=home
I still have a ton of stuff to go thru and list. I have some stuff that I need to list on Scrapbook Addict as well, since they're not really eBay type items. But it feels good to purge. I can see the light at the end of my creative tunnel. Maybe sometime next month I can actually do something! I did the softball layout for my stepkids raffle, and it felt good to be creative again.
Anyway, I'd like to state for the record that I am broke. B-R-O-K-E. And I am so tired of being broke. Damn it! I want to buy a Starbucks Mocha Latte when it's 2 degrees outside. Or milk for cereal *sigh*. And I won't even go into the arguement I got into with my ex about the child support and this little thing called priorities. Oh, by the way, apparently I'm just beginning to regret my decision to leave him. Um, k. Dude, it's been over a year. I think I'm over it. Really. Just pay to support your children. It's the least they deserve.
On the lighter side, we got the girls' report cards and they both got great grades. Liz got all A's except for one B in Math. And that's because I can't help her because I don't understand what they're asking 1/2 the time. Allie got all O's and S's. One thing we can't say about them is that they're not smart. They're both so smart its scary. I can't wait for them to be teenagers.
Oh! We got a garage finally! Whoo-hoo! The foozball table is out of my living room. Now I just need to think about what other stuff gets stored. Okay, I don't really have to think about it, lol. I can finally de-clutter. I'm so excited!! Next weekend we'll be moving the stuff into the garage and out of the closets, hallway and living room floor. I want to move the two oldest girls into the room with each other and leave my youngest together in the other bedroom. At least until we can afford to move. I'm still working on that since my boyfriend doesn't want to rent a house, and I get that, but we can't have 5 of us in this apartment for too much longer. You know, I had a dream that I rented a 3 bedroom something by myself and was sleeping on the sofa so the kids each had a room. Then the girls were sharing a huge master bedroom and I was sleeping in another room, on top of scrapbook supplies. Funny how my mind works, huh?
Anyway, I am off to bed. I have to go to work tomorrow, and I have a ton of things I really want to do here. We'll see. Maybe it'll snow. :)
Hello Monday
or, there's only 11 Mondays to 2025
Hello October.
Next to the colourful leaves of June in Melbourne, October is my favourite
season in Queensland. (Bec...
4 months ago
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