The last time I looked at my yearbook was to look up my now boyfriend. He was around my high school when I was. We found that to be quite funny. But as for just sitting around reminiscing, I don't really do that. I don't have any real reason too. I'm a party pooper I know.
I just started reading Southern Fried Divorce by Judy Conner. I'm only two chapters in, but I have laughed out loud several times. I think its a "must read"!

It's written by the sister of the original Sweet Potato Queen. Man, I SO want to be a SPQ. I'm southern, I've got the big red hair, I've read all the books. :) Check them out here.....
My foot is swollen again. I think it might really be stress related. And that sucks. I got stress. It's not going away. What I don't need is a swollen painful football foot everytime I stress over something. I can't do anything but sit on my butt.
So my ex gave a b-day gift to my mother for my daughter, and some little presents for the other kids. Thats great fine and dandy. But do ya think that maybe, just maybe he'd, I dunno, hand her a check too? Yeah, sure, he's restricted from talking to me. I'm sure he's probably still pissed as hell at me too. But you'd think that since he wants to project this "holier than thou" image that he'd be chomping at the bit to show the world he's not the kind of guy to not help pay for the care of his kids. Hmm... Go figure. But then again, I knew this would happen. So did the rest of the population that actually knows the real man behind the myth.
So it was 103 degrees here today. I have sweat coming from places I didn't know could actually produce sweat! My feet were squishing in my flip flops, lol. I moved back up here from Vegas for a reason! We haven't really turned the A/C on yet this year either. But I'm thinking it might be about time. What's funny is that I was thinking about taking my little heater to work since the A/C is set to frigid and my hands have actually gone numb from the cold. One of my co-workers has hers on, and I walked past it and decided that was what I was gonna do. I mean, it's beginning to look suspiscious that I got take "smoke breaks" with the other girls and I don't even smoke. I'm just trying to thaw out. :)
Speaking of hot, my thighs are burning from the laptop sitting on them, so I'm gonna go curl up and read some more of my book before I go to sleep.
Sweet Dreams and G'nite!
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