First the 2Peas challenge for today:
Today's blog challenge is~ In your homes are you the type of person who is big on theme's for each room or do you just go with whatever works for you? This should be fun to read.
Right now the only theme in my house is chaos, lol. I've never really had a "theme" other than my watermelon collection in my kitchen. Mostly I just go with what works for me. :) I've seen some homes where someone takes a theme and runs with the Disney house. This house was the colors of Disney, in every room. Mickey Mouse every where. It was almost too much.
So, I have laptop envy. My boyfriend just bought a new laptop last night. (yep- mines still dead.) He got a Gateway, and I'm using it right now. :) I don't know if I'm envious because his is bigger than mine or what? LOL
I'm still sorting through my scrapbook supplies and getting ready to sell it off. There is entirely too much. And I have to relocate it to a corner in the living room, so I can no longer hide it in the closet. I'm researching some storage solutions and checking out others scrap spaces to see how they're blending it all into the background in an open room.
Well, I'm off here to keep working on the re-arranging of the "stuff". But I'll be back, I promise.
Hello Monday
or, there's only 11 Mondays to 2025
Hello October.
Next to the colourful leaves of June in Melbourne, October is my favourite
season in Queensland. (Bec...
4 months ago
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