Anyway, after getting this I thought it would be fun to do this again, but maybe with other items. Maybe I'll do a RAK. :) Maybe I'll host a challenge. The ideas are swarming in my over worked brain.
(Oh, and I'd post what I sent to my swap partner, but I'd like for it to be a bit of a surprise. So, look for pics next week.)
I didn't get a lot of unpacking done today. I'm dragging today for some reason. I'd love for my scrap stuff to be all unpacked and put away and useable. (where'd I put that magic wand!?!?!) And there are still boxes that need to be unpacked in the kitchen and the living room. I'm just so unmotivated. I know part of it that I need to buy a couple of things, like a shelf for the bathroom. Theres no storage in there and I need somewhere to unpack those boxes to. And theres the small matter of needing to get rid of some of my "collectibles". I have a bunch of watermelon stuff that I haven't decided if I'm going to keep it. The decor has outlasted one fiance and one husband, so I'm kind of loyal to it. Plus, my honey had red everything for the kitchen so it matches. But I don't know if I really want to bother with it anymore. I just keep walking past the boxes and thinking to myself that I need to do something with it. Just not today.
I've got an appointment to get my car fixed on Monday, finally. It's gonna be weird having a headlight that points in the right direction and a side view mirror again, lol. Its all been broken since December. And as for the jerk that hit my car....well, lets not go there. It was so funny when I called the guy about getting a rental car. He was giving me the rate for a car similar in size to mine and I asked for the rate on the economy/compact car. He tells me that most people are more than willing to pay the difference once they've sat in the "roller skate". I told him that I'm not most people, that I'm cheap and willing to suffer for it. I swear I heard him spit liquid everywhere.
Okay, its 9:05, which means its time for me to go to sleep, lol. ( I am such a Party Animal!!) I think I stumbled on an idea for a challenge, so I'm gonna go write it down and tomorrow I'll work out the details. G'nite!
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