Challenge: If you could write a letter to your younger self, knowing what you've learned in life already, what would that letter say? Blog about it.
This is such an interesting challenge. There are so many things I’d love to tell my younger self, but only if they didn’t change the certain things about my life. So assuming that I’d still have my kids, this is what I’d tell my younger self.
1. Don’t buy that truck. It’s a POS that will haunt you for years! 2. Those credit cards that will start coming in the mail when you turn 18… cut them up and throw them away. 3. Go to school, everyday. Don’t skip and do what it takes to graduate with a decent GPA. 4. When you meet Mike, politely excuse yourself, and RUN in the opposite direction. 5. You don’t have to spend every dime you make. Open a savings account and use it. 6. Possessions aren’t everything. (see #2 & #5) 7. Don’t trust most of your friends. They’re just waiting for an opportunity to stab you in the back. 8. Do trust Crissy & Carmen. No matter what happens, they’ll always be there for you. 9. Listen to your mother. She knows what she’s talking about. 10. Marry Paul. But be prepared for the divorce. 11. When you do leave him, take the kids. Don’t doubt your ability to provide for them. 12. Don’t buy that house. 13. Make time for the things you want to do. Don’t give up yourself to please someone else. 14. When you’re gone, it won’t matter to your kids what you looked like as long as you’re in the pictures with them. 15. Lastly, remember that it’s easier to be you than it is to pretend to be someone else.
Hello Monday
or, there's only 11 Mondays to 2025
Hello October.
Next to the colourful leaves of June in Melbourne, October is my favourite
season in Queensland. (Bec...
4 months ago
Funny about Mike (sort of) but sad about the friends. :-( :-( :-( Glad you have a couple that are tried & true. :-)
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