Jun 30, 2007

I broke down.....

I know that I shouldn't turn the A/C on. But I'm hot, and being hot makes me lathargic, which means I haven't done squat. I've sat here on the couch with the messes piled up around me, alternating between TV and the laptop. Well, except for the hour or so that we left to go to the urgent care. My little guy has a rash on both legs. I've never seen anything like it, and being the slight hypocondriac that I am, I took him in. The ruled out everything except a viral infection, so I'm rubbing cream on him and waiting it out. (Yes, my fellow scrapbookers...I took pictures, lol)

Anyway, now I'm just waiting for the A/C to cool the house down and for my 2 cups of coffee to kick in so I can get motivated to do something. I HAVE to bake my DD's birthday cake before I go to sleep. And there are still the things I want to do. But until then, I'm watching CRASH. I've seen it 1o times already, but I love it. I'm even DVR-ing it to watch later, lol.

Alright, time to check the kids and set them up for some quiet time before bed. My honey & his DD should be here around 9ish. But they're both gonna be tired after the tourney today, so I want to have my kids slightly sedated before then.


Just chillin' on Saturday

2Peas Blogger Challenge: If you could do anything what would you do???

*Wave my magic wand and make my problems "Poof!!! - Be Gone!!" LOL
*Travel the world, at my leisure
*Write a novel, or a collections of short stories.
*Be a size 6. :)
*Open a dog rescue
I'm sure there's more, but I'm in lazy mode this morning.

I plan on doing a whole lotta nothing much on this Saturday. Yesterday was close of the fiscal year at work and I worked over 12 hours. So today, even though I'm up early, I'm not planning on leaving my house today. I have the typical laundry, picking up, etc... that comes with mommyhood, but I've promised myself that I'm going to focus on Me today. I need to take some pics of some layouts, go through my scrap stuff and purge, do a little eBaying.... Of course I probably won't do any of that, lol. Most likely I'll just veg in front of the laptop all day. (and theres nothing wrong with that. )

Jun 28, 2007

2peas Friday Blogger

Challenge: Share a quote or a fave passage that has spoken to you recently. BLOG ABOUT IT

"I know god would never give me more than I could handle. I just wish he wouldn't trust me so much"

That quote is from someones signature on 2peas. It totally describes my outlook on life at the moment. It seems that my plate is so full, its spilling over. But so far, whatever is thrown my way, I've been able to get through. My job is more demanding than ever, I took full custody of my kids (with no child support), I moved in with my boyfriend & I'm filing for divorce. But I am happier than ever!

Jun 25, 2007

Challenge: Do you watch the news? Why or why not? What stories always move you? Blog about it.

I rarely watch the news anymore, unless I'm watching for something in particular. My only reason is that I'm usually busy when the 6 o'clock news is on and asleep when the 11 o'clock news is on. I get most of my news from the internet or on the radio talk show I listen to the mornings. (http://www.robarnieanddawn.com)
Of course theres also the fact that the news is usually depressing. I don't like to have that constant reminder of the "world as we know it".

***Baby Alert!!!*** UpDate!

My brother Arch and his girlfriend Trish just welcomed their son into the world. The only details I know are that he's 6lbs. 1oz. and 19" long, and he came via C-section. I'll have more info and a pic hopefully later tonight. :)

Trish was in labor for 30+ hours and actively pushing for 2 hours when they decided this little guy wasn't going to co-operate, so they opted for a C-section. Mom & baby are both doing well.

Okay I promised a pic (or two!)

Pure Cuteness!!

Proud Daddy!

2Peas Monday Blogger

Challenge: Let's blog about our clothes. This would be a great entry for some journaling on a sb page. Here it is: What one piece of clothing do you own, that you have been wearing alot lately? And why? Blog about it... and share why u love it so much!

The only piece of clothing I’ve been wearing a lot are my jean capri’s. And it’s purely vanity why I wear them. They’re the smallest size I’ve worn in years. I really don’t have a favorite item of clothing though. I haven’t in years. Clothing has just never really been anything more than a necessity to me. I probably need to change that attitude though. Maybe someone should nominate me for What Not to Wear. They can have EVERYTHING in my closet, lol. (well, except those capri’s, lol)

Jun 24, 2007

2Peas Sunday Blogger

What one life moment changed your life forever? Blog about it. Happy or sad. Good or bad.

Well, there are a lot of life changing moments I think for everyone. But the one that completely changed my life, that I can never "go back" from is the birth of my daughter. From that moment on, I was a mom. It changed my personality, my opinions, my actions, my priorities. I stopped being that early twenties party girl, goofing my way through college, and putting myself in questionable situations. There was this tiny person who depended solely on me to provide love, comfort and basic necessities. It forced me to take a personal inventory of my life. I was able to rid myself of questionable acqaintences, apply myself and finish college (with a 3.52 GPA) and basically grow up. Actually it was the best thing that ever happened to me.

Jun 23, 2007

Well, I did it...

Its been a long week to say the least. My ex was served with papers requesting his appearance at his arraignment on charges of false imprisonment. (yeah, I was the one he "detained"). So, he called me screaming about it when he was served. I knew nothing about it, as it happened in january and they didn't press charges until june. Anyway, in the next conversations that followed, he told me that he wouldn't go to jail for something so small, that it would be for something good. Short version, I filed for a restraining order. Along with that I was granted emergency temporary custody of my youngest two. (I already have my oldest) So its been a long week of scrambling to find daycares, getting doctors appointments, immunizations, court filings and trying to fit some work in as well. Thankfully, I have a very understanding employer, who allowed me to do what I needed to do. ( Oh and big props to my man for standing by me! )

So as a result of this new living arrangement, I'm planning on selling 75% of my scrap stuff. I'd love to re-coup some money, since I'm looking at spending a lot of money on an attorney to get my divorce papers prepared and filed. I've been checking for a garage sale at my LSS's, but it looks like eBay or scrapaddict.com. I just need to find the time to get in there and sort it all out. I've probably got 3000 sheets of patterned paper, lol

Anyway, we're going to make a pile of blankets on the ground, cuddle up and watch Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. :) I love hanging out with these kids.

Jun 21, 2007

A picture is worth a thousand words...

Jun 18, 2007

PugglePea got her ribbon!

So I can post pictures now. :)

Jun 17, 2007


Q. What is your salad dressing of choice? A. Catalina
Q. What is your favorite fast food restaurant? A. Wendy's
Q. What is your favorite sit-down restaurant? A. Outback
Q. On average, what size tip do you leave at a restaurant? A. 10-15%
Q. What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick off of? A. butter pecan ice cream
Q. What are your pizza toppings of choice?A. BBQ chicken and onions.
Q. What do you like to put on your toast? A. peanut butter & honey
Q. What is your favorite type of gum? A. I don't like gum - I always bite the inside of my mouth when I chew it, lol.


Q. Number of contacts in your cell phone? A. about 25
Q. Number of contacts in your email address book? A. around 70
Q. What is your wallpaper on your computer? A. tinkerbell of course
Q. How many televisions are in your house? A. 2


Q. Are you right-handed or left-handed? A. I'm a righty, my left hand is useless
Q. What's your best feature? A. most definately my eyes :)
Q. Have you ever had anything removed from your body?A. Nope, I still have all my original parts
Q. Which of your five senses do you think is keenest? A. Definately smell.
Q. When was the last time you had a cavity? A. I've got one right now, and a matching dentist appointment.
Q. What is the heaviest item you lifted last? A. a box of scrapbooking supples that weighed about 50 lbs.
Q. Have you ever been knocked unconscious? A. No t that I know of.


Q. If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die? A. No way!
Q. Is love for real? A. Yes - In all of its forms.
Q. If you could change your name, what would you change it to? A. Well considering I didn't change it when I got married, I'm thinking I wouldn't change it.
Q. What color do you think looks best on you? A. dark blue and greens
Q. Have you ever swallowed a non-food item by mistake? A. who hasn't?
Q. Have you ever saved someone's life? A. Nope
Q. Has someone ever saved yours? A. I've never been in a situation where someone had to.


Q. Would you allow one of your little fingers to be cut off for $200,000 A. Do I get anesthsia?
Q. Would you never blog again for $50,000? A. No Way!
Q. Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000? A. thats not enough money.
Q. Would you give up watching television for a year for $25,000? A. As long as I could still watch movies on DVD, yes.


Q: What is in your left pocket? A: Lint maybe?
Q: Is Napoleon Dynamite actually a good movie? A: I can never get more that 5 mins into it, so I think not.
Q: Do you have hardwood or carpet in your house? A: Brand new carpet
Q: Do you sit or stand in the shower? A: Mostly stand, lol
Q: Could you live with roommates? A: Sure
Q: How many pairs of flip flops do you own? A: about 9
Q: Where were you born? A. North Carolina
Q: Last time you had a run-in with the cops? A: where I was in trouble - january (speeding)... because of my loser ex, about 3 weeks ago.
Q: What do you want to be when you grow up? A: Rich

Q: Friend you talked to? A: Carmen
Q: Last person you called? A: My Mom
Q: Person you hugged?A: *my* Big Blue Fan


Q: Number? A: 6
Q: Color? A: spring green
Q: Season? A: Spring


Q: Missing someone? A: Just my kiddos
Q: Mood? A: eh!
Q: Listening to? A: country music if you can believe it
Q: Watching? A. nothing at the moment
Q: Worrying about? A. Its Sunday... I'm not worrying today. :)


Q: First place you went this morning? A: The coffee maker.
Q: What can you not wait to do? A: Have my alone time.
Q: What's the last movie you saw? A: Ghost Rider (again!)
Q: Do you smile often? A: All the time now. :)
Q: Are you a friendly person? A: I am unless I don't like you. But don't worry, you'll know. ;)
Q: Now that the surveys done what are you going to do? A: unpack and unpack some more.

Jun 15, 2007

Oh ribbon!

I got my ribbon today from the ribbon sway I signed up for on 2Peas. OMG!! It's so pretty!! Take a look: Thanks PugglePea!!!

Anyway, after getting this I thought it would be fun to do this again, but maybe with other items. Maybe I'll do a RAK. :) Maybe I'll host a challenge. The ideas are swarming in my over worked brain.
(Oh, and I'd post what I sent to my swap partner, but I'd like for it to be a bit of a surprise. So, look for pics next week.)

I didn't get a lot of unpacking done today. I'm dragging today for some reason. I'd love for my scrap stuff to be all unpacked and put away and useable. (where'd I put that magic wand!?!?!) And there are still boxes that need to be unpacked in the kitchen and the living room. I'm just so unmotivated. I know part of it that I need to buy a couple of things, like a shelf for the bathroom. Theres no storage in there and I need somewhere to unpack those boxes to. And theres the small matter of needing to get rid of some of my "collectibles". I have a bunch of watermelon stuff that I haven't decided if I'm going to keep it. The decor has outlasted one fiance and one husband, so I'm kind of loyal to it. Plus, my honey had red everything for the kitchen so it matches. But I don't know if I really want to bother with it anymore. I just keep walking past the boxes and thinking to myself that I need to do something with it. Just not today.

I've got an appointment to get my car fixed on Monday, finally. It's gonna be weird having a headlight that points in the right direction and a side view mirror again, lol. Its all been broken since December. And as for the jerk that hit my car....well, lets not go there. It was so funny when I called the guy about getting a rental car. He was giving me the rate for a car similar in size to mine and I asked for the rate on the economy/compact car. He tells me that most people are more than willing to pay the difference once they've sat in the "roller skate". I told him that I'm not most people, that I'm cheap and willing to suffer for it. I swear I heard him spit liquid everywhere.

Okay, its 9:05, which means its time for me to go to sleep, lol. ( I am such a Party Animal!!) I think I stumbled on an idea for a challenge, so I'm gonna go write it down and tomorrow I'll work out the details. G'nite!

Jun 14, 2007

The Starter Wife

"Have you tried Match.com?"

I think I almost died at that line. I think this has become my new favorite show. Maybe its because I can relate a little. Molly is so cute. I wish I had a rich ex husband, lol. Guess I should marry up next time, lol.

Anyway, I started unpacking my scrap stuff. Hopefully tomorrow I'll get more of it unpacked and this weekend I can play with it. I'm definately going to have to purge a bunch of stuff, like those stacks. I have every one from the last three years at least. Thats winter, spring, summer & fall times three. Plus I have two Costco stacks and two Rob & Bob slabs. Maybe I can eBay some of this and use the money to fix my car, lol. I can't wait to start scrapping again. I've been planning to do a book of me, an acrylic album, a lunch box, and some other great ideas I've seen. I should make a list so I don't forget.

This weekend is my mans birthday. And I don't have a gift yet. I really don't know what to get him. He says he doesn't want anything, but you know he does. I guess I could always go with a gift card. Whats funny is that my kids really want to get him something. But they really haven't said anything about a fathers day gift. Go figure.

Jun 13, 2007

Two 2peas challenges at one time. :)

I've got a little time before bed tonight, so I thought I'd answer two of the challenges on 2Peas.

Wed. 6.13.07 Challenge~
If you were to take a class on photography. What is one thing you would like to learn?

I'd love to learn how to compose my photos and make them look like professional pics. Lighting, focus, etc... Every once in a while I stumble into a good pic and I have no idea how I got there. I'd really just like to learn to use my camera. I have a Kodak that has multiple settings on it, and all I use is the automatic setting, lol.

Thurs. 6.14.07 Challenge~
Where do you go/look for most of your creative inspiration? Could be books, magazines, website anything share it with us.

I get inspiration just where ever I find it really. I go to the galleries at 2Peas & Scrapbook.com. I subscribe to Scrapbooks, Etc. I have a very talented lady who emails me wonderful ideas and instructions a couple of times a month. I search out sketches on various websites. And the best place to find inspiration? eBay!! I could spend HOURS just looking at the premade items on there. Some of the people that sell on there are so talented, creative & imaginative, its unreal!


I'm watching Last Comic Standing. I love this show because I love to watch comedians. I remember watching the Robin Williams special on HBO a few years ago and almost peeing my pants from laughing so hard. I'd like to go to a live comedy show sometime in the future.
We have the softball fundraiser on Friday. I'm babysitting, but I wish I was playing poker. I completely suck, but I'd have a good time losing my money, lol. Maybe I can get my man to play a round of bingo for me.
Tomorrow I'm going to break down and unpack my scrap stuff. I'm having serious withdrawls. I was digging thru the boxes to get ribbon out for the swap and I was finding treasures that I SO wanted to play with. I don't have a desk, but I have a folding table that is going to have to suffice for now. I MUST SCRAP!! Speaking of which, I'm going to go look at pictures I can have printed up tomorrow. G'nite!

Jun 12, 2007

Just a little new Stash! :)

Jun 11, 2007

2Peas Blogger 6.11.07 - A really good one!

Challenge: If you could write a letter to your younger self, knowing what you've learned in life already, what would that letter say? Blog about it.

This is such an interesting challenge. There are so many things I’d love to tell my younger self, but only if they didn’t change the certain things about my life. So assuming that I’d still have my kids, this is what I’d tell my younger self.
1. Don’t buy that truck. It’s a POS that will haunt you for years! 2. Those credit cards that will start coming in the mail when you turn 18… cut them up and throw them away. 3. Go to school, everyday. Don’t skip and do what it takes to graduate with a decent GPA. 4. When you meet Mike, politely excuse yourself, and RUN in the opposite direction. 5. You don’t have to spend every dime you make. Open a savings account and use it. 6. Possessions aren’t everything. (see #2 & #5) 7. Don’t trust most of your friends. They’re just waiting for an opportunity to stab you in the back. 8. Do trust Crissy & Carmen. No matter what happens, they’ll always be there for you. 9. Listen to your mother. She knows what she’s talking about. 10. Marry Paul. But be prepared for the divorce. 11. When you do leave him, take the kids. Don’t doubt your ability to provide for them. 12. Don’t buy that house. 13. Make time for the things you want to do. Don’t give up yourself to please someone else. 14. When you’re gone, it won’t matter to your kids what you looked like as long as you’re in the pictures with them. 15. Lastly, remember that it’s easier to be you than it is to pretend to be someone else.

Jun 7, 2007

Darn Target Dollar Spot!!

Shall I let the pictures speak for themselves???

And these two are some goodies I picked up at Hancock Fabrics. I love the dinosaur buttons!!!

Jun 6, 2007

2Peas Bloggers & My Latest Stash Addition!

This is two peas Monday blogger. I missed this one, so I’m going to blog it today.
“Challenge~ Think of a time in life when something good came of something bad?”

What could be worse than your jealous ex repeatedly calling/texting you while you’re out on a date? Try said ex yanking your 3 small children out of bed at 10pm in January and trying to come find you. I asked the man who took me out to take me home, of course. On the drive home I’m talking to the ex, trying to get him to turn around and go back home. And I’m thinking in the back of my head that this great guy I’d just met is NEVER EVER going to dial my number again. Not only did he stay with me while I fought over the phone with the ex, he actually held me that night, no expectations. And we’ve been together ever since. I think that’s a pretty good thing.
Now, this past weekend, I went scrapbook shopping. Now, mind you, I haven’t scrapped in months. But I was in the mood. I ordered a little online, and I went to two LSS’s. Here’s what I got:
1st pic: Bazzil shaped papers in 2 shades of green & black
2nd pic: “Grandma Ingredients” stickers, summer cardstock stickers and Bo Bunny rub-ons
3rd pic: 2 great PP. The oriental one is from DCWV & the blue/brown one is from Lil’ Davis.
4th pic: 4 great Girl Scout papers. So cute!
5th pic: Silhouette die cuts: butterfly, flower, small flowers, small butterflies and Halloween
6th pic: Lego & dragonfly die cuts and chipboard squares: redhead, summer, boy, girl, & beach
7th pic: die cut tags: little girls, USA & dog words.
8th & 9th pics: Prima flowers, ya know… the really big ones! Thanks MOM!!

I also got some Bazzil Bling and some vintage watermelon postcards. And at a yard sale, I got two corner rounders, a personal trimmer and a cutting mat with blades, all creative memories, all new, for $14.00. Oh yeah! :)
Oh and just for reference, this is what my scrap room looks like. I need a desk so bad!!

Jun 5, 2007

Random Memory #1

So I saw on someones blog that they were posting random memories they had, and I thought that was a very cool idea. Then, today, I thought about something that hadn't crossed my mind in years! So here is my very first Random Memory:

I was sitting in traffic today and looked over to my right. There was a brown Jeep CJ Wrangler, all ready for off roading. My mind pushed up the memory of the cutest guy in the world (at least to 15 year old me). I think his name was Ryan. He had a jeep and he was a senior. I was so smitten. One day, he asked if he could give me a ride home in his jeep. I was in heaven. I remember the wind in my hair, the bouncy ride and just being so happy that he'd noticed me. Ahh, to be young again.

So much to talk about, so little time.

We’re all moved into the new apartment. I can’t wait to get unpacked and settled. It was very hectic moving with just the two of us – (everyone weaseled out at the last minute). No, I can’t say that, S did have a friend who helped him with the furniture on the 1st day. Thank goodness for that. But we spent Thursday busting our rumps to get the rest moved out and the apartment clean. Then Friday, S & C had an out of town tourney they had to leave for. And I got the kids for the weekend. We did Relay for Life, but it was raining and lightening and my little man was already sick, so we spent most of Saturday at home watching movies. Needless to say I wasn’t able to get a whole lot done with unpacking. Sunday, I got the kitchen unpacked and started hanging up the kids’ clothes. But I spent the evening snuggled with S for some much needed “down” time. And last night, well, I didn’t do anything. We watched softball, played on the laptop and watched Hell’s Kitchen. I need to go to the grocery store tonight, but I’m not really feeling it. I’m trying hard to not consume as much junk food as possible. So I am dreading shopping, because I crave snacks, and I’m weak. ;)
Yesterday, I talked to my Dad. He’s coming out for a visit in July. I can’t wait to see him. Partially because I want him to see what happy, content me looks like. I know he’s disappointed that I left my marriage. And I know that he’s mad because I didn’t take the kids. I think that seeing me 40lbs lighter, less nervous, and happy will make him worry less. Maybe it will make him understand that I had to work to get myself better before I could do anything else. And I really want him to meet the man who makes my tummy flutter. He needs to see that I’m involved with a stable man who’s worthy of having me. (You know – that Daddy’s little girl deal, lol) And I want to talk to him face to face and let him know that I am doing the things that are necessary to get the kids with me, hopefully without pulling the bitch card, and causing a huge uproar.
So enough the serious stuff! I was visiting 2Peas and saw the Tuesday blogger for today. It was:
“ Blog about 5 of the songs you have downloaded/heard/bought recently, that you love, and you feel they are SO WORTH the 99 cents you paid for them... blog about 5 songs that you just love right now...”
I just downloaded the entire Rob Thomas CD. I love his music, so I felt like the whole CD was necessary. And I downloaded P.Diddy/Keisha Cole “Last Night”. I just love that song! It reminds me of old Prince for some reason. I also downloaded the new Justin Timberlake “Summer Love”. Again, just a great song. And I’ve been on an 80’s kick, so I have gotten some really great songs to appease that need.
Also, because I’ve been visiting 2Peas, I am dying to scrap again. I need to find a desk first though. And of course, because I have no $$ and no truck, I found the PERFECT desk on craigslist. Take a look at this: Large work surface, lots of drawers….*sigh* I love life.

Oh! And these clear acrylic books are adorable!! I want to make one so bad. What stinks is that I used to work for a plastic distributer and I could have gotten whatever I wanted at cost, professionally cut to my specs. Or I could have just taken scraps for free. Bummer. But I think I’m going to order one since I don’t have the skill, patience or tools to make one. At $30 a pop, lets hope I don’t become addicted.
Alright, I’m gonna jump off here for now. I should do some work today. Until next time…..

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