Jun 23, 2009

Whew! That's over!

Last week was hectic. I got laid off again on Friday, but I knew that was coming. Saturday was Lizzie's birthday party and two parties from classmates of Nate & Allies. I had 3 kids' parties from 10 am to 5pm. That was exhausting!

Yesterday was kid's last day of school. They had a great time at the BBQ. Of course, they go back in two weeks, lol. (Gotta love track schools!) So we got the traditional pictures with the teachers.

So now, we're spending two weeks just hanging out at home with a little stuff thrown in. Movies, Wild Island, maybe even a trip to the Monterey Aquarium and the beach. Shh, don't tell them though. :) I'd take them camping, but I don't have a tent. Maybe I'll get one of my friends to let me borrow theirs. I should look into geocaching. I bet they'd like that. :)

So in my last post I was jonesing for my newest kit from MyGreenTangerines.com. Guess what finally came last week? he he....

Doesn't this just look like summer? I cannot wait to print out the pictures from Lizzie's birthday party. That or use pics from the upcoming two weeks.

Alrighty, I'm gonna park the laptop and get busy in my room. I have a ton of stuff to put away and I have some stuff I want to sell on 2Peas. Until next time....

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