I been waiting for today, Oct 1st. Why? Because today is the day I was able to file for welfare assistance. *sigh* I took my strangely well behaved children to the local welfare office to apply for medicaid. I guess things could be worse. I could need other assistance. But its done. I have to bring in my information next week. The kids should have medical coverage starting today though, which is all I wanted.
I've also been waiting for a phone call. Last week while I was out of town, I got a call about a job. They wanted to know if I still wanted it and if they could call my references. Then yesterday, they called back to get an additional reference because one of the people I gave them wasn't returning their call. All this is a good sign right? So I've been on alert for my phone to ring with their number. I really, really need a job. There's the obvious reason of needing money, but I also need stimulation. I'm spending too much time pissing my days away.

Speaking of which, I watched a couple of movies over the last two days. I watched Sex and the City on Monday night. What a great finale for this series! I'm not an addict or anything like that, but I've caught most of the series. I was enthralled with this movie however. I went along for the ride I guess you would say. I wanted to see Carrie get her fairytale ending. I wanted to kill Steve. I felt bad for Samantha and Miranda. I totally got where they were coming from. And I loved Charlotte the mommy. Mostly, I wanted for a train to run over Big's towncar. But I'm glad it worked out in the end. Overall, I'd probably watch it again.
We watched Iron Man last night. Wow. That was LONG. But my kids, mostly the boy, seemed to like it. I'll probably end up buying it for him for Christmas. We'll add it to the "boy" shelf along with Transformers, Spider-Man, Cars, and all his other favorites.
Well, Ghost Hunters is on and I have yet another interview tomorrow to get ready for in the morning. Plus my house is DIRTY. Guess I better park this thing and get on it.
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