I have to admit that I tried making my own border templates and that left me struggling. I couldn't get it to line up correctly. I'd totally buy these if they were pre-made. I'd probably get the whole set. I know a guy who owns a plastic company and I was thinking that I'd talk to him to see how much it would cost to get them designed and cut out. Probably way more than I'd want to pay, lol. I guess I will just have to wait for some company to get these, unless they are already out there, in which case, link me to them! :)
I decided that part of what I am going to challenge myself to do is use that "ugly" paper more on my layouts, so I can get rid of some of this patterned paper. I've already purged and mailed out two 23+ lb. boxes of paper. Surely I can use what I have left over now. ;)
I'm packing for Hawaii now. I have my suitcase about 1/2 packed. I have to have it ready to go by tomorrow afternoon so my sweet boyfriend can take it to his work and weigh it for me. It can't weigh more than 50lbs, because I can't afford to pay $80 to send it to the island with me. Needless to say, my girlfriend is a little grossed out at the idea that I'd wear the same shorts twice. Honestly, as long as they aren't dirty, I don't see the problem with it. It's like jeans. They always feel better the 2nd day. And the hotel has laundry service for a smaller fee than $80. She's going to pay whatever she has to in order to wear what she wants. She was telling me today that she was packing everything because she can't decide what to bring. Oh well, it's not my credit card debt I guess.
We're still trying to decide what to do while we're there. She wants to rent a car, but at a rate of $18 a day to park the car, I think thats crazy. Maybe if we did a one day rental, it'd be okay. But not for the entire week. Everything on our Go Oahu card has a shuttle provided. The only thing I can see the car being useful for is to go to the North Shore, and I'll give her that. But that's it. Otherwise the bus system on Oahu is amazing. You can get everywhere. But she doesn't like busses. This is feeling less like a vacation and more like another chore. *sigh*
And I have another interview tomorrow. Sadly, I really don't want this job. It's working for the state, but I'd have to drive 30+ miles each way everyday and its considerably less than what I had been making. I only really put myself of this particular list so that I would be called if this position opened up here in town. But I have to attend the interview to stay on the list. Damn rules! LOL
Alright, I have to go to bed. I've been working on an essay for my Core Humanities class all day. I'm almost done, and I'm struggling with an ending. Maybe it'll come to me in my sleep. G'nite!
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