1- What's worse - Physical or Mental cheating?
Definately mental. Sometimes physical is just physical. Mental isn't a mistake.
2- Is it easier to forgive or forget?
It is much easier to forgive.
3- Can men and women be "Just Friends?"
I've never seen it turn out well.
4- Dating co-workers?
I don't believe in it. But if someone were that special, getting a different job would not be out of the question.
5- All expenses paid vacation to anywhere?
Probably Europe
6- On the way to the electric chair - What's your last meal?
Cream cheese won tons, a Hawaiian Heaven cheeseburger (teriyaki sauce, cheddar cheese, pineapple), Red Robins strawberry lemonade, and a big thick cheesecake.
7- The water park.
I can't stand the places like Wild Waters. Now, the little splash park down the street is where it's at. ;)
8- When you are "In Love" do you notice other people?
Not really, but then again, I'm not looking.
9- Is flirting cheating?
It's a matter of what happens next. Sometimes someone is a flirt by nature. It doesn't mean they have an inclination to cheat.
10- Would you rather have 1 great friend or 5 pals?
I would rather have one great friend. Heck, right now, I'd settle for one friend. :(
11- If someone called you a bitch would you be offended?
I tend to not let other peoples opinions of me bother me. I probably earned the title anyway. ;)
12- Are you ok with your significant other being friends with an ex?
As I've grown older and life has become more complicated, I want to say yes. It's hard not being friendly with the other parent of your child or the person you might still be on a mortgage with. Although, I'd draw the line at say, private dinners and rendezvous.
13- Would you live with someone without marrying them?
Yep. I am now. And I don't have any intention of marrying him. I honestly don't know what all the fuss over a piece of paper is. It doesn't make the commitment any different as far as I'm concerned.
14- Favorite sport?
I really don't have one. I'd have to say football, but I don't know enough people to go play with.
15- Is toilet paper hung over or under?
Most definately over. I'll change it if it's not.
16- Do you squeeze toothpaste from the middle or end of the tube?
I squeeze from the middle.
17- How do you feel about tanning booths?
Never been in one to have feelings about it.
18- Friends with benefits?
Sure, but be prepared for complications.
19- Do you believe in angels?
Yes. And I believe that everybody has one watching over them.
20- Would you rather take pictures or be in pictures?
I would rather take them, however, I've been trying to be in them, so my great grandchildren can prove I existed.
21- Have you ever flirted with someone you had no interest in?
Yep. Call it practice. or boredom.
22 - Ever kissed a random person and then walked away?
No. But it does sound like fun.
23- Would you buy bootleg merchandise?
Nope. I'd be too worried the cops would swoop down on me.
24- What color looks best on you?
Shades of green and teal.
25- If you could play any sport professionally what would it be?
I wouldn't know.
26- Ever break up with someone and regret it?
Yes, but only for a short while. I believe that every person before has been preparing you for whomever is next.
27- Are you a jealous person?
Yes. And it's straining my current relationship.
28- Would you ever have plastic surgery?
Yes. But not for a cute face or perky breasts. (well, maybe the perky breasts, but not bigger ones) I'd do it to correct some excess skin from weight loss.
29- When do you want to get married?
I've been married and divorced. I don't know when or if I'll ever get married again.
30- Who has the sexiest accents?
I like Irish and southern accents.
31- Next concert you're attending?
Considering I've only been to a handful in my life, who knows? There isn't really anyone I want to see.
32- Favorite song?
Don't have one of those either. I listen to whatever strikes my fancy at the time.
33- Favorite movie?
Gone with the Wind
34- What's your occupation?
Mom & Student.
35- What's your sign?
36- Are you a beach, country or city person?
I'm leaning towards country, but I know there's city in me.
37- Best vacation spot you've been to?
Haven't done a lot of vacations. But Hawaii was nice.
38- Have you ever had a "secret affair?"
Not where I was the one keeping the secret.
39- If you could own a non-traditional pet which would it be?
I wouldn't.
40- Favorite show as a child?
Punky Brewster.
41- Where do you spend most of your money?
Walmart. Seriously. Groceries, clothing, kid supplies, pet supplies. It's sad really.
42- Are you currently working at a job that you hate?
Nope. But I hope to be soon.
43- Have you ever been so heart broken that you called in sick to work?
Not that I can recall.
44- Favorite summer drink?
Don't have one.
45- Can you change a car tire?
Yes. I don't think you should be allowed to drive if you can't.
46- Favorite cologne/perfume?
don't have one of those either. I don't usually wear any.
47- Favorite candle scent?
None really. Maybe sugar cookie-ish.
48- Would you consider yourself adventurous?
Nope. I'm a chicken and I know it.
49- What is your My Space profile song?
Wasted Time - the Eagles.
50- Favorite concert attended?
None really.
51- Would you date an already attached man/woman?
Define already attached. My boyfriend isn't divorced technically, but he's not "with" her.
52- Would you sing Karaoke in front of co-workers?
Depends on the co-workers. This last bunch? Heck yeah.
53- Can you shoot pool?
54- Do you like your siblings' significant others?
I'm pleading the 5th.
55- Can you drive a stick?
Yep. I'd love to own one again.
56- When you marry will you wear white?
Probably not. Devil Red is more like it.
57- Have you ever sat and hoped for a phone call?
Too often.
58- Ever skip school and spend the day at the beach?
Nope. Not to spend the day at the beach anyway.
59- Favorite TV show?
Crime Dramas. I don't have one in particular.
60-what are you waiting for at the movies?
Nothing. I wait for the DVD's. :) Although, the new Harry Potter might peak my interest.
I got this from lemons2lemonade. See what happens when I blog hop?
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