There is a lot on my mind today. It varies in range from important to trivial. I've got issues with my ex-husband and apparently with his new girlfriend. I'm still mad at him for not even bothering to help out with the kids, but I know that I cannot change him, so I'm trying very hard to work through my issues with that. His new girlfriend seems to think that I'm trying to "win" him back. And she's sending nasty emails and prank calling me to let me know she disapproves. I seriously thought we were all over 30, but I guess physical age has nothing to do with one's mental state.
I've been thinking about what to do about my job situation, or lack of job situation as the case may be. I am collecting unemployment, but I'm afraid I cannot live on that. Especially with no help coming in the form of child support. I was looking forward to being paid for the lien I had against my ex when the house foreclosed, but I guess I'm just SOL. So I have to work on plan "B". And I have no clue what that may be. What is really bad is that when I'm worried, I shop. Yep. I don't eat or get all depressed and gloomy. Nope. I go blow money I don't have. Not so good when I don't know where my next influx of money is coming in. I think I'm gonna have my hunny take my ATM card when he goes to work, lol. Just cut me off.
And I've been contemplating what to do about my health problems. I have diabetes, and I'm doing what I am supposed to, but somethings not clicking for my body. I guess I'm not doing everything I am supposed to, because I haven't been exercising. I need to walk everyday. But, it's hot by 8am, and I can't leave the kids alone while I walk. And since I got so sick being in the heat last spring, I'm afraid to do anything out in the sun. I'd go to the mall, but it's so far away and I'd end up spending money I didn't have. My option is to get up at 4am and walk before my hunny goes to work. I'm going to have to do that I guess.
My oldest daughter is only 2 weeks into school and she's already having issues. Poor thing. I want to help her out but I know she thinks I'm picking on her when I have her read an extra 10 minutes or practice her handwriting. For her I'm going to put together a small desk to put in her room so she can be in there alone without distractions. I hope that will help some.
I've been thinking about what I'm going to list on eBay and how to get motivated to do that. I've been working on grocery lists and menus. And I've been trying to figure out how to get motivated to scrap something, lol.
So as you can tell, my mind goes non stop. I even dream about some of these things. For just one day, I want to sip on umbrella drinks, read a trashy novel and not have to use my brain for anything non-recreational. Maybe one of these lifetimes. ;)
Hello Monday
or, there's only 11 Mondays to 2025
Hello October.
Next to the colourful leaves of June in Melbourne, October is my favourite
season in Queensland. (Bec...
4 months ago
On Honey, big hugs to you. I know I don't know you but I hate to see when a fellow sista is going through a hard time. Hang in there and just try to do the right thing. That's all we can do sometimes. Set goals for yourself but allow yourself to fail sometimes. I know that's what works with for me when I'm trying to conquer my addiction! Take care of yourself and ignore the ex's psycho girlfriend! sounds like she's working through her own demons.
Big Hugs.. Why not contact some of these Kit clubs and see if they are needing designers. It was just a thought. You make great kits.
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