Challenge for today: How do you feel about house cleaning? Do you enjoy it? Loathe it? Do you hire someone to do it? Does your family help with the work?
I thought this was an interesting question. I hate housework. Always have. The number one reason? Because it never freaking ends. I've gotten better at it over the last couple of years, and now I am teaching my kids to be responsible for themselves. What's funny is that my ex-husband thinks I am punishing them. I lived with him for damn near 8 years, and his mothers maid service while he was growing up didn't do him any favors. So, I make the kids pick up their rooms, make their beds, take out the trash, wash dishes and help with the laundry. I'm teaching them to be responsible for themselves.
If I could hire a maid, I would. But what is funny is that I used to do housecleaning and the people I cleaned for would clean their houses before I came over. Call me silly, but I don't get that. My house would look like a bomb hit it, lol. If I'm going to pay someone to do it, they'd be earning it.
I finally got everything into my scraproom. (I think) Since I'm unemployed, I plan on actually getting in there and doing something. And if I don't, I'm selling it all. I've been thinking about it, and I think I'd be a really good kit maker. You know, monthly kits. I like shopping and putting things together. Okay, LOVE shopping. But I don't really use it. If I thought the world needed another kit club, I'd seriously look into it. But with the economy shakin' the way it is, I don't believe it'd be a wise business move. But man, those kits would be rockin'. ;)
So, on my next to last day of employment, I went to see HANCOCK. I have never been to the movies by myself, but it was a pretty good experience. The movie was good. And I wasn't left with the WTF?? look on my face like I was with I AM LEGEND. I'd recommend seeing it if you haven't. It would be a good date movie. Action for him and a little romance for her. (Or vice versa if you swing that way) Definitely a must see.
And yesterday, I took the kids to see WALL-E. It was cute. Kinda preachy, but cute. I don't think we'll be buying the DVD though.
So last week, I watched all of the Swingtown episodes I'd DVR'd. I think I'm hooked. I thought there'd be more reference to the actual act of swinging, but so far, that's been kept to a minimum. It's kind of a coming of age series, but for adults. I am actually waiting for the next episode. That never happens. I have lots of favorite shows, but this is the first in a long time that I am actually excited about new epsiodes. They'll pull it for sure. LOL
Man I hate going to bed alone. Hunny is out of town for softball. It's so weird to have someone that I want to be around. And I want to talk to. And touch. And I don't feel like I have to fight with. And I miss him, even for one night away.
My ex-husband reminds me every now and again that I didn't make the wrong choice in leaving. He actually had the nerve to tell me that he didn't have enough gas to drive to town to sign some papers to ensure his kids get a little child support out of him. He hasn't paid a dime in months. Then I find out that he took his latest "girlfriend" to dinner. Not only did he pay for dinner, he drove about 100 miles to do it. Nice. Shit like that just irks me. Don't tell me you don't have the money to support your kids, but you can wine and dine your fling. Of course I shouldn't be surprised because this is the same one that he took out when he was supposed to be spending time with his kids. He does nothing but complain about how he doesn't see his kids enough, so I offered up extra time. And he takes the kids and dumps them off on his parents and goes out with this hairdresser and stays out past 1am. My youngest daughter was ticked. I don't blame her either. Sometimes I wish he'd just fall off the face of the planet. But I don't get that lucky. At least they've got one parent that knows they come first.
Okay well, I'm gonna go open the windows and turn on the fans and try to bring some cool air into this house. And Tori and Dean Home Sweet Hollywood is on. I have to watch some cute as a button Tori. You know, I thought she'd be a lot different. But I've watched their shows and she is someone I could really be friends with. She's down to earth and very "human". Not anything like the bitchy celeb you'd expect. I can't wait to read her book.