We of course cancelled dinner plans with Poppy, so we've only got tomorrow to visit with him and convienently my brother has the day off. I think it's more like he got fired, but what do I know? I guess my mom and my dad had a little pow-wow this evening since I was unavailable. Of course it was all about my brother. But then again, there's nothing that I've ever done in my lifetime that can compare to the fuckup that is my brother. It just makes me angry that I've taken time off from my job to be available to my dad, and he's spent 99% of his time with my brother. Whatever. I just wish that I was capable of telling him that I'm tired of being an after thought. But no, I'm trapped in my shell. 33 years old and all I want is my dad's attention and love.
Anyway, I am going to pick up the keys for the new house tomorrow. I wonder if anyone would notice if I changed my phone number and just didn't tell anyone my new address. Unfortuneately I couldn't do that to my kids. But I could totally do it if it was just me.
I'm excited to get the keys. We can start moving stuff next week. I'm planning on taking the seats out of my van and moving at least two van loads out there next week. I just totally want to be out of this apartment by mid-May. Hopefully I will get a full nights sleep once we move. Wouldn't that be nice? I still have this incredible urge to buy patio furniture, an upright freezer, and decorative items for the new place, but I'm still resisting. I just want to make this a "home" for my kids. It feels like we've been in limbo forever. I know we'll be at this place for a while, I'm not moving again until I'm buying.
Well, I'm going to go to sleep and try to dream up a layout for todays mishaps. Too bad my hunny threw the nail away, or I'd tie a ribbon on it and stick it on the page. I guess the photos will have to do.
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