"I know God will never give me more than I can handle...I just wish he wouldn't trust me so much." These words couldn't ring more true at this moment.
Tonight while dealing with a double booking at our family counselors office, I get a phone call from my mother. Remember my adorable little nephew who was born in June? Well, child protective services came and took him away from his drunk at 8:30 AM, domestic violence committing parents. Come to find out the apartment was knee deep in garbage, smelled rotten, and contained no formula for the baby. We found out the baby hasn't been seen by a doctor since he was born, does not have his immunizations and is potentially malnourished. I have said several times that it seems like he's not growing well and was dismissed each time. I have never been so angry with my brother, ever. Or as disappointed with him. This is all on them, him and his girlfriend. Both are able bodied and neither of them work by choice. They live off of welfare, which was suspended for them not doing what they were supposed to. They missed the last WIC appointment, so they have no formula. There's no reason for this!!! Other that their sheer lack of caring about that child or themselves for that matter. There's an emergency custody hearing tomorrow, and my mom is going to try to get custody. I would try to get custody, but I have so many problems of my own with my divorce and custody isssues, that I don't think I could handle it. Besides the fact that I wouldn't put this extra strain on my relationship. There's enough strain already.
I almost think that my mother should let the baby go into state custody. Maybe that would be the rock bottom my brother needs. I know that sounds awful, but her or I taking custody would be like giving him what he wants almost. He'd still have free access to his kid and not be responsible for him. UGH!!!
My personal issues are still the same..... no money, a loser ex husband, and heathen children. Scratch that...the heathen's have started to calm down. They are getting better and better attitude wise. We didn't have a whole lot of issues tonight and they actually cuddled with BF on the couch for a while tonight. That's a huge step in the right direction.
My ex left me 3 voicemails last night because I called him out about child support. I give him every weekend visitations. I don't complain that I'm the one who is the "bad guy" parent who has bedtimes and schedules and rules. I don't complain that I don't get to spend good quality time with my kiddos. Yet he has the nerve to tell me that I only want his money so that I can live high on the hog. Sure thats it...... if by high on the hog you mean I can actually pay for daycare without public assistance, make my car payment, pay more than 1/3 of the rent, not have to choose between food and car insurance, buy new (not used) clothes, shoes and maybe a winter coat for the kids and not have to rely on the kindness of my boyfriend to pick up the slack, then call me guilty. I want to live high on the hog. Please? Of course I have to consider the source... a man who seems perfectly content to let another man finance his kids' lives. I'm being bitter and catty, so maybe I should stop for now.
I'm going to lay down, close my eyes and hope for tomorrow to come. I'm anxious to know the outcome of tomorrows hearing. Why do I have the feeling that I'm going to have a long, restless night?
Hello Monday
or, there's only 11 Mondays to 2025
Hello October.
Next to the colourful leaves of June in Melbourne, October is my favourite
season in Queensland. (Bec...
4 months ago
That is so sad about your nephew. I kinda agree with you about your mom not taking custody, because you are absolutely right.
I don't think you're being bitter or catty at all! Your children are entitled to that financial support from their father.
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