May 24, 2009

I scrapped!!

I spent yesterday out at County Purr Farm using all the tools and stamps to create some cool goodies. It was a lot of fun. Just me, my mom, Lizzie and the owner, Donna Jean. Very cool!

So I continued on in that groove and came home and did a little scrappin'. It's not much, but ....

I used the Feb kit from My Green Tangerines. I challenged myself to use just the product included with the kit. Check it out:

And here is what I put together:

So I had to go outside my "box" and use color combos that I've never really used, but I think they came out okay. The 6x12 layouts are going to be part of an album I'm going to cut out of chipboard. (LOVE my new guillotine paper cutter!) So, I'm in a scrappin' mood this Memorial Day weekend, and I'm going to work on some more cool stuff once I'm done babysitting and picking up my chitlin's. We're gonna have to rent a couple of movies and find something fun for dinner first though. I'm going to add stuff from my stash and use more of this cool kit. I promise to post more pictures! :)

Alright, the baby's momma will be here shortly so I'm gonna get all her stuff together while she's still napping. *sigh* I miss naptime, lol. Why do they have to grow up?

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May 23, 2009

Just a pic.....

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

This would be my cat. My ribbon would eat him, lol.

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May 22, 2009

Friday Fill Ins we go!

1. Moving is good for the soul. And the packrat.

2. The best things in life are free.

3. My best quality is my patience. I tolerate a lot.

4.It's all about the details.

5. In nearly 10 years, I still haven't gotten it right, but I'm learning.

6. The feeling of being loved is what I need right now!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to reading my book, tomorrow my plans include hanging with my mom, scrapbooking and eating taco salads and Sunday, I want to just take a breath and take it all in!

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Can I share something cute?

Well, even if you didn't want to see it, here it is.....

Sing along if you know the words "Give me the beat boys and free my soul, I wanna get lost in your rock n roll and drift away....."

Alright, I'm gonna go finish getting ready for tomorrow. Stampin', scrapin' and a jolly good time.


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May 17, 2009

Monday, monday......

Okay, so it's technically Sunday, but I wanted to do a quick post and share another great website I discovered. Of course it's scrapbook shopping related... :)

Look at all the loot I got for just under $45.00:

My favorite was that Caution! Girl line with the pink skulls. Most of this was $1 or less. If you're a scrapbooker, you know that those packs of brads can run $3.99 or more. The most expensive was $4.50 and that was a book of rub-ons for caution girl. :) Oh yeah, I'm stoked.

So school is out, I've cleaned the house so now my weeknights and weekends are ALL MINE. Well, aside from cooking dinner and hanging with the chitlin's. I think I'm gonna get a bicycle so I can learn to ride again and take bike rides with the kiddos.

Here is my first recipe post. It's easy-peasy and everyone in my house loves it. :)

3lbs Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast

1 Bottle Lawry's Tequila Lime 30 Minute Marinade (I use a store brand when I can't find this one)

Throw everything into the crockpot for 6 hours on high. If needed, put some water or chicken broth in the crock pot with the chicken to keep it moist. We eat this in tortillas with cheese, on salads, on top of rice...... It's very flexible.

Alrighty, I'm headed to bed. Have a great Monday!!


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May 9, 2009

Happy Mothers Day!!!

Today was a good day. No really, it was. I got up late, got the kiddos all fancied up, and we went to the park and took pictures. We got my mother a gift (went halfsies with my brother) and we had dinner. I managed to have a little reminder of why I don't go out in the sunlight, but after a little rest I'm back to good.

Here are some pics from our photo outing.

The kids and I:

All of us:

All the kiddos:

And a baby picture:

On a side note, while I was out enjoying the sunshine with my family, I was also winning a contest at Green Tangerines. :) Whoot-whoot!!! Oh, snap! Check out who won! I can't wait to get my prize. And while you're at it, check out their April Kit. My heart is all a flutter. Tomorrow after write another essay and make my Econ cheat sheet, I am hoping to get into my scraproom and play around. I've got some pretty good pictures to scrap.


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May 5, 2009

Cinco de Mayo!

We had some exciting events around these parts today, lol. I was at work and my oldest was home, with instructions to walk to the school and then back home to get a feel for walking there. So around 10:40am, I got a phone call from a desperate screaming child. "MOM! SNAKE!!!! Mommy, come get me!!!" Yep, she met up with a snake on the trail. I had to haul tail home from work to get the damsel in distress. Poor thing. She was terrified. She says she will NEVER ask to walk to school again. I had to promise her pizza and ice cream. It must have worked, because she's at a friends house spending the night.

I'm working on my finals. I cannot decide what to write on my final essay. Is a 79.67% a passing grade? If so, I don't even have to turn in the final essay, lol. Does it show that I am completely burnt?

And with that, I am headed to bed. I'm hoping to fall asleep before midnight tonight.


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May 3, 2009

I managed to get NOTHING done this weekend, lol

Well, not exactly nothing. I took my hunny to the airport on Saturday and then went to Carson City to hang out with my mother. We did a little shopping at one of my favorite local shops County Purr Farm. They were having a 20% off sale, so I grabbed some of the new My Minds Eye....Yummy!!! Then we had lunch at Chili's. And we did a little more shopping. My kid stayed with Grandma and I was FREE!!! But alas, well laid plans..... Anyway, I started putting away all my new goodies with intentions of joining some challenges at 2Peas, but I got the first phone call from the Hunny. Bad thunderstorms derailed his trip. I had to get on the phone to assure he was taken care once he actually got to Nashville. It kinda sucked, lol. But he finally got there around midnight my time. I didn't get to scrap. :( Today, I cleaned house and did laundry. Whoo-hoo!

I did make a discovery this weekend. Taco Bell's new taco salads. I have had them for dinner two nights in a row. Normally I despise Taco Bell. I don't even know what made me want to go there. Once I got there, I wasn't even sure what I wanted. So I decided to try the taco salad. I brought it home and literally wolfed it down, lol. It was SO GOOD!! So today I had to run to the dollar store and TB was right there. I tried it again. Still good! And my daughter said she wanted tacos for dinner tomorrow, so I asked if TB is okay...just so I can get another one. I know it's probably not good for me. I'll get over it soon enough, but you should really try it one night if you're looking for something quick and easy to eat. K- I'll shut up about the taco salad now. ;)

My other kidlets are at their dad's for their track break. I miss them. :( They called tonight and were happy that their grandparents had bought them some new toys. I'll have to wait and see if they are still happy in 21 days.

I've got another long week ahead. Work, Chiropractor visits, and the dreaded finals...... But at least school will be over soon enough. I am taking at least a semester off. I really need to find a real job. I like where I'm out for this temp job. I'd really like for it to work out for me to stay on permanently. Its a great group of people and the atmosphere is good. Maybe it'll work out. (It doesn't hurt that my boss likes scrapbooking, he he)

Okay well, I have to get to bed. I've got another long day tomorrow. Oh! I've got a proud Mama moment! My mini me is doing a cross stich. Granted its a pirates skull, but she's being crafty like her mama. I'm impressed. Of course I was helping her with it and now I wanna do one too. lol


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