APP-A-LA-CHIN. It is NOT app-a-la-SHIN. Hard "C"....think chin, like the thing below your mouth. Since my parents alma mater spanked Michigan, my BFs favorite team, all I've heard is a mispronunciation of the the word Appalachian. When I correct people, I'm looked at like I'm crazy. Never mind that I was born in Boone, NC. Never mind that BOTH my parents graduated from ASU. Never mind that my Dad worked there for many, many years. I'm obviously wrong.
Okay, I'm off my soap box for a moment. It's usless to be up there anyway since nobody listens or cares.
So to do the 2Peas challenge, my scrapping plans are numerous tomorrow. I need to finish both my swaps, work on a wedding gift, and I have 100 or so pages taking up room in my brain that I need to get down on paper. I'm also planning on listing eBay, both scrap and non-scrap items. Yeah, I'm buying a case of Monster Chaos' and staying up all night, lol. Thats why I'm going to sleep early tonight. I'm going to get up, do some laundry, go to Costco, and then come home and nap. Since I'm such a night owl, I'm going to stay up late, just me and my MP3. I might stop at blockbuster and pick up something for some background noise, but we'll have to see.
Alright, so here's a challenge: I'm making a mini-album of songs that mean something to me. It's kind of like my soundtrack. I want to see some more of these. So by next Saturday, I'd like to see comments directing me to pictures of your soundtrack. Pick a song or songs, a verse or verses from a song and scrap them. This is just something to get your juices flowing, and maybe we'll all discover a new song we like or an old song we've forgotten about. Make sure I can get in touch with you somehow, because I'm going to send a little something to the one my unbiased panel likes the best. (BF & 4 kids, lol)
Alright, I'm going to go look at eBay until my eyelids get heavy. Have a great evening!